Chapter XIV: Stained Hands (Pt.3)

 Just then, a smoke screen filled the watch tower room with the intruder. The SD couldn't tell what was going on, but the flashes and sounds of the gunshots could be seen and heard as the team of Holders swarmed into the room. Then, the noises abruptly stopped. Once the smoke cleared, the room's walls were painted in blood as the woman stood in the middle holding Tim's severed head. She looked up at the camera with red glowing eyes before the camera malfunctioned and went to static.

 "Dammit!" the SD cursed as he kicked nearby equipment. He needed that alarm sounded because that was the only way to signal distress to the High Gods.

 What to do...he pondered desperately. At that point, he was confident he knew who the invaders were. But how would he get himself and his men out of this jam? Splitting his men up to face both would be suicide; they'd need their entire force to stand against just one Primordial. So, which should he target? The girl was guarding the watch tower. If he sent everyone there, at least one of them should be able to get past her to sound the alarm...

 No. That's a narrow stairway leading up the tower. They'd be lining up for the slaughter, leaving their only sane option to escape through the front gate and hopefully take out the dark one. If some could escape, they could warn Lord Avarice and the others.

 The SD ordered all Holders on base to gather toward the entrance, telling them the Supreme Primordials Death and Fury were invading. He told them the priority is escape. When he arrived, he could hear lots of complaining, but ensured them that they stood a surviving chance with their numbers, advanced weapons, and the suppression lights activated.

 "Our goal is to escape, but with the odds stacked this much against our invaders and one staying put to guard the watch tower, we may be able to take out the other one. Don't let your spirit falter! Once this is over, I'm sure women, men, and bonuses will be rewarded to everyone!" He encouraged as the Holders cheered in excitement, their morale boosted by his words.

 The SD knew some of them wouldn't make it out alive, but he did all he could to ensure as many would as possible. There was a metallic grinding noise like metal bending as the dark one forced his way through one of the gate doors and entered the base.

 Multiple Holders raised their weapons and took aim at the intruder.

 "Stop right there! We know who you are." One yelled out.

 "We've turned on the suppression lights, so you can't use your powers," another added.

 The Primordial spun the metal bar he carried and, in a chilling voice, said, "I wasn't planning to."

 Before he could do anything, many Holders started shooting at the Primordial. The impacts from the spirit energy ammunitions flung dust and dirt into the air, making it difficult to gain visual confirmation on their target.

 "Cease fire!" the SD ordered over the shooting. As the shooting stopped, he squinted into the cloud of dirt until he could see the Primordial's silhouette again.

 "That hurt a little," he called out. Then, in a hair-raising fashion, a pair of wolfish-yellow eyes peered back at him before the figure vanished. Seconds later, the dust started to move in an erratic pattern.

 There were murmurs.

 "Where'd he go?"

 "Did he just disappear?"

 "You think he ran away?"

 The SD realized that the Primordial hadn't vanished; he was moving too fast for them to see, but before he could warn the others, the Primordial suddenly reappeared, and several of the Holders in front had had their heads removed. The reinforced bar in his hand was covered in dripping blood. There was a split second of stunned silence before the headless bodies gushed geysers of blood into the air. This sudden brutalization spread fear among many of the Holders as they began to retreat away from the Primordial, sparking what could only be described as a living nightmare.

 The SD watched, paralyzed, as the scene before him unfolded. In a gory display, the Primordial became a blurry, unstoppable death machine as he killed many more by decapitating their heads until the bar he held was bent out of shape. Still, he used it as a projectile and threw it like a boomerang, severing the heads or limbs of each body in its path. The Primordial's skin around his forearms and hands started to change as they darkened with fur, and his nails extended into sharp claws. Those claws made him even deadlier as he sped around in a bloody combination of ripping throats out and slicing stomachs open; he even used one Holder's entrails to choke another.

 Their weapons were useless since he hardly stayed still long enough to be shot effectively. In the brief moments that he was still, he'd be in a new location where he'd punch, kick, slash, or throw someone with enough force to send them flying. Then they'd die on impact when their bodies hit a wall or be impaled by protrusions on the walls.

 This continued for minutes as the blood-curdled screams of his brethren echoed through the SD's mind while he stood, helplessly watching them be slaughtered until he was the last one remaining and the Primordial stood before him. He could smell the overwhelming aroma of blood rolling off the monster in front of him as he stared into his emotionless, beastly eyes.

 What was he thinking? Giving his men and women false hope...thinking they could survive.... They didn't stand a chance against something like that. There was never any hope for them. They were dead the moment these creatures arrived.

 The Primordial's eyes and arms returned to normal as he, without a word, handed the SD something. The SD looked down at what was placed into his hands to see a still-beating heart pulsating in his palms. In a final moment of horror, he looked at his chest to see a hole had been put in it. He hadn't even felt it....Realizing it was his heart he held, he looked back up at Tymon to see him brushing past him without a second glance as the SD collapsed.


Fun fact: Each Primordial is able to partially transform into their hybrid form, granting them claws, fangs, wings, etc. without multiplying their capabilities or having to unleash the power that comes with fully transforming.

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