CHAPTER 1: Connections

A lone boy sits atop of the world. No this wasn't a boy, but rather a beast. A wild animal unable to control his primitive desire to destroy anything that opposes him. Stacked on top of each, 10, 20, 30, or even 40 of them. Bodies bruised and battered lay atop of each other. On top of them sat the person that defeated them, Suzuki Nakamura.

Since he was young he's been a problem child. From fighting bullies on the playground to robbing the houses of neighbors. He found it hard to keep his hands to himself, he had a desire to fight and become the strongest. It was the only thing that I was good at afterall. He wasn't much of a scholar and wasn't particularly good at any type of sport. Although, everyone has at least one talent, and his was his fist. During his days in junior highschool, he cleared out waves of delinquents. He was known as a monster gifted in solely fighting and nothing else. Suzuki Nakamura was dubbed the " Mad Dog of Shinjuku ". While flunking all of his classes, Suzuki somehow managed to pass on to high school where his behavior got worse. Suspensions got more common and his affiliation with gangs got stronger. He was heading down a dark road that there would be no coming back from. That was until he was saved, by the story of a man who had died many years ago. Whose goal was to rid Japan of the pollution caused by the mass uprising of gangs, a goal Suzuki would carry on.

" Where the fuck is it?! This is seriously pissing me off. " Suzuki cursed as he stomped down the streets of Yamaguchi. He had been desperately searching for a place for the past hour. He looked from building to building as his head's direction switched from left to right constantly. It was really pissing him off, this was his first day on the job.

" ARRRGHHH!!! " The young man screamed out in rage, but his tantrum was stopped by BANG! A loud sound came from an alleyway just a few steps up the street.

Suzuki's expression became serious as he processed the situation in his mind. His first conclusion was that someone was in that alleyway, probably a robbery. He couldn't help but smile, he hadn't fought in a while, it was time for a quick warm up. Suzuki raced forward towards the alleyway, the muscles within his legs bursting with energy as he exploded forward. Two steps was all it took for him to reach the opening of the alleyway.

" Just give it up, old man. It's not like you have much more time on this planet to use it, HA! " A man whose face was masked by a balaclava. He tugged on a wallet alongside an old man, clearly wanting to rob him. The man tried to persuade his victim to just give it up already. " I've been in this world far too long to give this up to a rotten punk like you. " The old man responded with an insult of his own as he continued to tug for possession of his wallet.

Veins popped on the robbers forehead, this old man was beginning to become annoying so he decided to finish this right now. The robber dug in his pocket grabbing a pocket knife. There was no doubt that he was going to kill this old man in order to get the cash. " STOP RIGHT THERE FUCKER!! "

A brave voice yelled out proudly. At the entrance to the alleyway stood Suzuki. He rested his fist on his hips, taking the classic superhero pose. In the moment he was himself as a superawesome hero like in the comics, but this perspective wasn't shared with literally anyone else.

" What the hell is this guy doing? " The man muttered as he held the old man at knife point. His attention had almost entirely been turned to Suzuki allowing the old man to reclaim his wallet. " Get the hell out of here kid, before you end up like this old man. " It was a warning directed to Suzuki. The man raised his arm up getting ready to kill his old man and him of his loot while also making a pretty good example out of him. CLANK!

Before he could even swing his arm downward, a hand grabbed a hold of his wrist. Such overwhelming force within the grip caused the man to immediately drop the knife that he was holding. Suzuki bore an emotionless look on his face, now he was truly serious. The life of a human being wasn't anything to play with. This man was truly scum.

" Scum like you plague the streets of Japan. That's why. I must. I must get rid of garbage like you and clean the pollution of Japan. " Suzuki displayed his ideology within a single sentence, now it was time to display his action. Clenching the fingers of his off-hand, Suzuki balled his fist into a fist. The muscles in his arms tensed, eagerly awaiting the moment to strike. BAM!

One strike directly to the man's jaw. He was launched into the wall behind him that formed the alleyway. The man now lay groaning on the ground, but his punishment wasn't over. Suzuki began repeatedly stomping on his chest, humorous horns and tail sprouted from his body as he gained the expression of a devil. Even if he did fight for justice, he seemed to be a chaotic boy at heart.

" Thank you. For saving me sonny. " The old man said as the shallow tear dropped from his eyes, he had almost faltered in the face of death. The mood had shifted to a more serious one as Suzuki looked up toward the man with a sympathetic expression. With his hand plastered to his sides, he began to repeatedly bow to the old man. " NO NEED TO THANK YOU'S! JUST DOIN MA JOB!! " The old man was confused for a few seconds at Suzuki's sporadic behavior. But he soon began to smile. If this was the person who would protect Japan, then they were sure to be safe.

Suzuki stood in front of a large building with the words YAMAGUCHI POLICE DEPARTMENT on its head. He looked down at a piece of paper with a single address. Shrugging his shoulders he simply assumed that this was the right one. The doors swung open, being opened by a single kick from Suzuki. " YO! Say hello to your new Superintendent General! " Suzuki shouted out to the entire police department.

His excited look quickly faded as the only person in the front office was the receptionist, who had no reaction to his declaration of rank. " How may I help you today, sir? " The woman spoke with a quiet soft voice. Looking up from her desk, Suzuki could now see her full face. Heart eyes popped out from his head. This girl was gorgeous! He had never seen a girl with such beauty before in his life. All of the girls in his highschool kind of resemble hobgoblins in a way. " Well not to flex or anything, but I'm the next Superintendent General. Gimme a few weeks and I've got the position secured, ya know? "

Before she could even respond to Suzuki's "odd" advances, leading to an office swung open. A middle aged man with a stubble stepped out. He scratched his short black hair as his narrow black eyes zoomed in on Suzuki. His thick eyebrows furrowed as a slight smile appeared on his face. " It's okay Yoko, this guy is with me. " The man said. " Erm. Do I know you, pops? " Suzuki questioned the identity of the man, but his only response was to laugh. " It's so truly odd, you're nothing like your grandfather. " The man remarked. " I'm Inspector Satoshi Ippei. Nice to meet you, Suzuki Nakamura. " The man's words only left Suzuki with more questions on just exactly who this guy was. His grandfather died in the eighties, how could this guy possibly know about him? " Alright enough with this bull. Just who are you, and how do you know gramps? " Who was this man? Inspector Satoshi Ippei, the only man alive with connections to his grandfather, at least besides that man.