Chapter 1 The struggle within the wealthy family_1

City A, Zhang Family.


"Dad, I've told you I don't want to inherit the family business. I want to be with Xia Jing. Just agree to it, will you?"

"How many times do I have to tell you? That woman is up to no good. Why won't you listen to me and insist on being with her?" Old Master Zhang said, pointing at Zhang Zhentian in anger and frustration.

"Dad, I'm begging you, please let me be with Xia Jing!" Zhang Zhentian pleaded, looking at Old Master Zhang with a pitiful expression. "Dad, what will it take for you to agree to let me be with Xia Jing?"

Seeing Zhang Zhentian pleading desperately with Old Master Zhang, Xia Jing felt she had to put on an act too, otherwise, Old Master Zhang wouldn't agree to let her be with Zhentian.

"Yes, uncle, please agree to let me be with Zhentian, okay? I won't hurt him. I'll work hard to be a good wife and take good care of you. Please agree, I'm begging you, uncle." After saying this, Xia Jing knelt down before Old Master Zhang.

Old Master Zhang had weathered many storms in his life; how could he be so easily deceived? Old Master Zhang laughed and said, "So you really want to be with my son? What good does it do you to be with him? Can you give up your identity as a mercenary for him? Can you be a qualified good wife at home for him? If you can, then I'll agree to let you be together. How about that?"

Old Master Zhang played his cards well. If Xia Jing refused, he could use the opportunity to drive a wedge between Zhentian and Xia Jing. If Xia Jing didn't refuse, that would be even better.

Xia Jing was stunned for a moment. She hadn't expected Old Master Zhang to bargain with her in this way. She hesitated, debating whether or not to give up her identity, and ultimately decided to continue as a mercenary, "Uncle, I'm sorry, I don't want to give up my job. I don't want to leave the team, so please forgive me."

Xia Jing had only pretended to show subservience to make a better impression on Zhentian, never intending to follow Old Master Zhang's wishes. So why would she take his words to heart?

Zhang Zhentian, after hearing his father's demand, was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Xia Jing. He had thought that Xia Jing would give up her career to be with him, but unexpectedly...

Without a backward glance, Xia Jing left after speaking.

Zhang Zhentian was about to go after Xia Jing when Elder Zhang shouted, "Stop right there! Can't you see? If she really wanted to be with you, why wouldn't she be willing to give up her status for you? Can't you see through this woman yet?"

At that moment, Zhang Zhentian fell silent. Yes, if she really wanted to be with me, why wouldn't she give up her mercenary status? Was she just as my father described, using me for my family's wealth or for some mercenary mission? Zhang Zhentian felt uneasy and afraid that what his father said might be true. What would Zhang Zhentian do then?

After pondering for a while, Zhang Zhentian still decided to find Xia Jing, "Dad, I still need to talk to Xia Jing. I want to ask her why she isn't willing to give up her status to be with me!"

Zhang Zhentian turned and left.

"Damn old man, really thought I was bowing to him by putting on a show and kneeling before him, huh? There's no way I'll bow to him. Daring to make demands of me, just wait till I marry his son and see how I'll deal with you." Xia Jing mused to herself by the lake. "Eh, why hasn't Zhentian come after me yet? Couldn't his dad have forcefully kept him at home?"

Unbeknownst to Xia Jing, after she rejected Old Master Zhang's proposal, Zhentian's feelings for her had filled with doubt! Now she thought that Zhentian wouldn't come out to find her, and so she got into a black car and left.

Zhentian, ignoring Elder Zhang's advice, went out to search for Xia Jing. But Xia Jing's trace was nowhere to be found. After a fruitless search, he walked alone by the lake where he and Xia Jingyi had walked together, mulling over her reaction to his father's proposal, still puzzled whether she was with him for his family's fortune or to accomplish some mercenary mission. At that moment, Zhang Zhentian's heart was filled with anxiety and fear.

"Xia Jing, Xia Jing, where are you? Come out, please!" Zhang Zhentian shouted by the lake with all his might, hoping Xia Jing would appear. However, the only response was the echo of his own voice. Feeling helpless, he squatted by the lake, wondering where to find Xia Jing. As he looked up, he saw a black car passing by. Yes, it was the car that Xia Jing was in. After seeing it, Zhang Zhentian ran after the car.

"Xia Jing, Xia Jing, come down. Please come down," Zhentian called after the car, but Xia Jing seemed not to hear him at all, with no response, passersby looking at him as if he were a fool.

Exhausted from running, Zhang Zhentian stopped. He had hoped Xia Jing would come down to see him, but all he saw was the car disappearing into the distance.

Back home.

"You unfilial son, you still know to come back? Have you found her?" Old Master Zhang roared angrily.

"I haven't found her," Zhang Zhentian said. "I looked by the lake, and all the places we went together, but in the end, I only saw her taking a car and leaving!"

Upon hearing this, Old Master Zhang was overjoyed. He thought Xia Jing had abandoned his son and that his son would give up on Xia Jing, then forget about her, and find another woman. What he never expected, of course, which became clear later, was that his son would end up getting involved with Xia Jing in a way that was uncontrollable.

Just when Old Master Zhang was feeling happy, Zhang Zhentian said, "Dad, if there's nothing else, I'm going to go upstairs to rest, don't call me for dinner." After speaking, Zhang Zhentian turned and left.

After Zhang Zhentian returned to his bedroom, he still wondered if it was really over between him and Xia Jing, if they would ever be together again, if Xia Jing would ever be with him again. But Old Master Zhang had already decided that Xia Jing would not be with Zhang Zhentian. He then went everywhere looking for potential matchmaking candidates for his son, insisting on a match of equal social standing.

Manager Sun said, "Old Master, the Li Family's precious daughter, Li Jiayuan, is not bad. I heard she recently returned from studying in the United States."

Old Master Zhang was pleased to hear this. He had always liked the girl Jiayuan and thought she would be the perfect daughter-in-law. Then he said to Manager Sun, "Manager, when you have time, arrange a meeting with Miss Li, and I'll take Zhentian to see her. Maybe Zhentian will like this child, Jiayuan, and won't be involved with that unscrupulous woman anymore!"

"Old Master, I've checked, and in three days, it can be done. I've already arranged the meeting with Li Jiayuan for you."

Three days later...

Old Master Zhang took Zhang Zhentian to the company, and then, under pretext, took him out for a meal, which was actually to arrange a matchmaking meeting!

"Dad, why have you brought me here? I've got things to do; I'm going to head back first!"

"Stand there, I called you here to have a meal and casually meet someone. Watch your attitude, did you hear?"

"Meet who?"

"You'll know soon enough."

"Uncle, hello, I am Li Jiayuan. I'm pleased to meet you!" The Li Corporation's heiress—Li Jiayuan—came to the hotel where Old Master Zhang had arranged to meet her.

Seeing Li Jiayuan so polite and cultured, Old Master Zhang inwardly decided she was the one for his son.

The moment Zhang Zhentian saw Li Jiayuan enter, he instantly understood the main purpose of the meal Old Master Zhang had invited him to today. He thought to himself that Old Master Zhang was really concerned about his marriage!

After hearing Li Jiayuan's greeting, Old Master Zhang quickly stood up, "Miss Li, you've arrived, please have a seat."

"Uncle, there's no need to stand on ceremony, just call me Jiayuan." Seeing Zhang Zhentian sitting next to Old Master Zhang, Li Jiayuan couldn't help but ask, "And this is?"

Seeing Li Jiayuan addressing his son, Old Master Zhang hurriedly replied, "This is my son, Zhang Zhentian." Old Master Zhang, seeing Zhang Zhentian sitting motionless without offering a greeting, nudged him with his elbow. Caught by surprise, Zhang Zhentian could not help feeling awkward as he reluctantly stood up.

"Hello, Miss Li, I am Zhang Zhentian, his son," Zhang Zhentian said, not forgetting to point at Old Master Zhang.