Chapter 30 Old Master Zhang is Furious_1

Old Master Zhang returned to his bedroom, where he couldn't help but sigh. Reflecting on everything from when Zhentian met Xia Jing to her departure, he thought, "Did I really go too far? Is Zhentian treating me this way now because I was too harsh on Xia Jing? Could everything that's happening now be my just desserts? Oh, Xia Jing, Xia Jing, did I do wrong? Should I not have kept your secret, should I tell Zhentian where you are?"

Alone in his bedroom, Old Master Zhang talked to himself, unsure about what would be the right thing to do. He had begun to acknowledge Xia Jing as his daughter-in-law in his heart, and he didn't want to lose her. Previously, he thought Xia Jing was not good enough for his son, but after some events, he saw things more clearly, and now he was gradually coming to believe that it wasn't Xia Jing who was unworthy of his son, but rather his son who might be unworthy of Xia Jing.