Chapter 88 Where is Our Wedding Date_1


Xia Jing left the hospital and went to drink alone, drowning her sorrows in alcohol. She dearly wished to marry Zhang Zhentian, but Old Master Zhang had yet to bring up the matter, and she felt it wasn't her place to mention it, after all, she was still a woman!

"Can't find a reason to embrace..." Xia Jing's phone ringtone started playing; she was now completely drunk. She fumbled for her phone, not even bothering to check who was calling. Even if she did look, she probably wouldn't be able to see clearly! She answered, "Hello, who is this? Why are you calling me?"

Zhang Zhentian, upon hearing Xia Jing's tone, asked unhappily, "Xia Jing, have you been drinking again? Can't you even recognize my voice? Where are you? Send me the address, I'll come find you!"

"You're coming to find me? Who are you anyway? What right do you have to come looking for me?" Xia Jing was already in a bad mood, and the alcohol meant she spoke without thinking, blurting out whatever came to mind.