Chapter 285: Searching the Ends of the Earth (Part 2)_1

Xia Jing and Zhang Zhentian had agreed to meet again after three years. Could they truly encounter each other again after such a time span? Three years is not a mere three months or three days, it is a protracted period, over a thousand days. Can over a thousand days and nights be easily endured? During the next three years, he would embark on his journey to find his wife, aimlessly, not knowing where she could be, yet he couldn't give up, must keep searching. Deep in his heart, he knew if he ever gave up the search, he would regret it for the rest of his life, never again finding his wife. To avoid future regrets, to bring happiness and joy to his family, he had to pay the price. After all, only by paying a price can one reap bountiful fruits.