Chapter 319 For Your Own Good_1

"Uncle, regarding your demand that my parents personally come to your doorstep to apologize and make a guarantee about this matter, I can give you the answer right now: not to mention that my parents would not agree, even if they did, I would not agree. They are my parents; I cannot let them lower themselves to beg on account of my marriage. You are also parents; would you be willing to lower yourselves to beg us for the sake of your daughter? As parents, can't you understand our feelings? By doing this, where do you place my parents? And what about the life I will have with your daughter in the future? If I were to let my parents apologize for my own marital issues, what kind of person would I be in the eyes of the world? What kind of moral character would I, as a father, demonstrate to my future sons and daughters? I cannot let such a thing happen, so I am sorry, but I can't do it..."