A sudden call [2]

The car rolled into a sloping street that seemed deserted from the lack of vehicles passing on the road. From the corner they passed, the thick and tall grey-colored gate that span endlessly which made Knox wonder what was the property inside for came to view.

The neighborhood was like a ghost town, Knox thought as he glanced around to familiarize himself with the area. 'It doesn't mean that I'm thinking of coming back here anyway,' he reasoned. His heart was still beating fast, and every corner they turned to and block they passed, the dreadful feeling inside him seemed to grow bigger.

Steve furtively glanced at the omega behind. The fingers fiddling with themselves were enough proof to tell that the young man was anxious. He sighed and looked away. It wasn't his place to interfere, or he couldn't say anything to comfort him when he was the very person who brought him to his father.