Chapter 1

The velvet curtains, drawn aside, reveal the fading sunlight of the day, casting long shadows across the stone floor of Ana Sofia's chambers. She can still hear the council member's voice echoing in her mind, recounting their desperate voices.

"Your Majesty, it has been a year since the late king has passed." their voice laden with urgency and concern.

"The kingdom teeters on the brink of chaos, and the threat of war looms on the horizon. You must take a new husband as the crown and lead our people to safety." The council member's words weigh heavy on her shoulders as she gazes out the window, watching as the last remnants of daylight fade away. The fate of her kingdom rests on her, and she knows that time is of the essence. She gazes longingly at the sky moments like these reminded her that her entire existence was nothing more than a pawn of the men around her. She sighed heavily when a short knock interrupted her thoughts. A servant enters the room, carrying a tray of food. The aroma of roasted meats and fresh bread fills the air, yet Ana Sofia finds no appetite. As the servant sets the tray down and bows, Ana Sofia's eyes are drawn to the ornate box resting atop it.

"What is this?" The servant, with a hint of a smile, replies, "A gift for you, Your Majesty, from a mysterious admirer. It arrived just as the sun began to set." Ana Sofia scoffed yet; curiosity itched on her fingertips as she reached out to open the ornate box.

The servant steps back, giving her space to examine the gift. Inside, she finds a gleaming silver necklace adorned with a single, perfectly cut ruby that seems to pulse with an inner light. Its beauty is breathtaking, and Ana Sofia can't help but be entranced by it. glancing back at the box she saw a single note as she opened its contents it read

"For the queen who carries the weight of the world on her back, may this ruby bring you strength and courage in the days ahead."

The note is signed, "A humble admirer."

"Humble admirer? " she whispered to herself, as she pondered on who it might be.

Quickly she put everything away. Ana Sofia's fingers lingered on the cool metal of the necklace, feeling the weight of the ruby against her skin. She couldn't help but wonder who this mysterious admirer could be. The council members? A noble from a neighboring kingdom? Or perhaps, a commoner with a kind heart and a daring spirit? Either way, the simple fact remained she needed to be remarried in a year.

The Kingdom of Elynor, as it is known, is in dire need of a strong leader to guide them through the impending darkness. The council has urged her to consider a match with a neighboring kingdom to secure an alliance and protect Elynor from the threat of war. But Ana Sofia is hesitant. She was reluctant to give up her freedom again she had nearly withered away from her previous marriage the man was violent and cruel. She has vowed never to subject herself to such a union again. Yet, she knows that her people come first, and if marrying a stranger would ensure their safety and prosperity, then she must consider it. Most of all she didn't know the first thing about running a kingdom but, there was one simple choice that steeled her resolve. She would no longer be a bystander. 


The following morning, invitations were sent out all across Elynor to the neighboring nobles. The contents of the letter included an option to participate in the "Queen's tournament" The tournament would be a test of strength, skill, and wit, designed to find the most worthy suitor to rule beside Ana Sofia. As the invitations are sent out, whispers of excitement and intrigue ripple through the kingdom. Nobles from far and wide begin to arrive, eager to prove their worth and win the heart of the queen. Castle Ceneda would house the guests for a period of three weeks while running the tournament. The castle buzzed with excitement as nobles from all corners of the kingdom arrived, dressed in their finest attire. Servants scurry to and fro, ensuring that everything is for the grand tournament. Ana Sofia watched the commotion from her window, her heart heavy with anticipation. She wills herself away from the window she would be greeting her guests in a few hours and she needed to look her best.

 She took a seat in front of her grand mirror just a few moments prior maids had been fussing over her face and attire. She glanced at herself in the mirror, she let her gaze linger on herself for a moment, taking in her appearance. Her dark brown hair usually pulled back in a simple bun, was styled in loose waves that cascaded down her shoulders. Her dress was a deep red that made her pale skin look flushed. Her brown eyes set in a simple almond shape were adorned with shades of brown and gold.

She smiled at herself, "You will find a husband."

The maids finished their work, stepping back to admire their handiwork. Ana Sofia rose from her chair, taking one last look at herself in the mirror. She straightened her posture, her shoulders squared and her chin held high. She knows that she must be strong, not just for herself, but for her people and the vulture-like whispers she would catch among high society. As she made her way to the banquet hall her stomach began to twist. Ana Sofia did not like being the center of attention she kept herself meek most of her life, especially in her late marriage. As Ana Sofia entered the bustling banquet hall, all eyes turned to her. She felt a wave of anxiety wash over her, but she fought to keep her composure. The nobles before her are a sea of colors and finery, each trying to outdo the other in their quest to impress the queen. As Ana Sofia made her way through the crowd, she could feel the weight of their expectations bearing down on her. She forced a smile, nodding and curtseying in response to the various greetings and compliments that came her way. She reached the dais at the far end of the hall, where a grand throne awaits. She quickly took a seat and leveled her eyes towards the crowd. The room falls silent as all eyes are fixed upon the queen. Ana Sofia takes a deep breath and begins to speak in a clear, strong voice that carries throughout the hall.

"My dear nobles, I welcome you all to Castle Ceneda." She pauses, allowing her words to sink in. "I have summoned you here today to participate in a tournament, a competition to determine who among you is the most worthy to rule beside me as my husband and partner."

A murmur ripples through the crowd, as the nobles begin to whisper amongst themselves. Ana Sofia raises a hand, calling for quiet.

"I understand that this is an unconventional way to find a husband," she continues, "but I believe that it is the best way to ensure that the future king of Elynor is not only a man of great wealth and status, but also a man of courage, skill, and intelligence." She allowed herself a short moment to craft her next words. "If you would like to participate make yourself known to me before the evening is over".

The nobles exchange glances, some looking excited at the prospect of proving themselves in a tournament, while others seem skeptical or even disapproving of the idea. Nevertheless, many of them begin to step forward, eager to prove their worth to the queen.

The night wears on and multiple men make their intentions known however, she finds herself a bit disappointed at the turnout. As the night wears on, Ana Sofia meets with each of the nobles who have expressed interest in participating in the tournament. She listens carefully to their proposals, evaluating their strengths and weaknesses. Some are skilled warriors, boasting of their victories on the battlefield. Soon, she finds herself tiring of their bombast, longing for a hint of genuine humility and kindness. Others are learned scholars, regaling her with tales of their academic achievements and intellectual pursuits. While she appreciates their thirst for knowledge, she cannot help but feel that they lack the practical skills necessary to rule a kingdom. Deciding it was time for a break before frustration boiled within her she made her way to a private balcony annexed from the banquet hall Ana Sofia stepped out onto the balcony, taking a deep breath of the cool night air. The balcony offers a breathtaking view of the moonlit landscape, with rolling hills and dense forests stretching out as far as the eye can see. The queen gazes out at the tranquil scene before her, her thoughts swirling with the decisions she must make. She leans against the stone balustrade, her mind drifting to her late husband, King Edmund. He was a strong and just ruler, beloved by his people. To her, he was a monster, but to the rest of the kingdom, he was a hero. She cannot help but compare each of the nobles she has met tonight to him, finding them all lacking in some way.

A sudden gust of wind rustles through the trees, causing Ana Sofia to shiver. She wraps her shawl tighter around her shoulders, hugging herself for warmth and comfort. The sound of the wind seems to carry a whispering voice as if the very air itself is trying to offer her some advice or guidance. She closed her eyes, straining to listen, when suddenly a deep voice interrupted her thoughts. Startled she jumped to find a man behind her. The man is tall and handsome, with piercing blue eyes and a neatly trimmed beard. He is dressed in fine clothing, but there is a ruggedness to him that suggests he is no stranger to physical labor. He bows low before the queen, his eyes never leaving her face.

 "Why are you on my private balcony?" She commanded in an accusatory tone.

The man straightens up, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "Forgive me, my queen," he says, his voice velvet and smooth.

"I saw you step out here, and I couldn't help but follow. I wanted to speak with you, away from the noise and the crowds."

Ana Sofia raises an eyebrow, intrigued but also wary of this stranger. She studies him for a moment, taking in his confident stance and the way he carries himself. There is something about him that seems different from the other nobles she has met tonight. She gestures for him to continue, her voice guarded.

 The man begins to speak, his words chosen carefully and with purpose. "I am here to offer myself as a suitor for your hand in marriage, my queen. I am not like the other nobles you have met tonight."

Ana Sofia laughed studying the man once again, He had golden hair that seemed to reach his hips, it was wound in a tight braid that hung over one shoulder. His eyes were full of determination and a hint of mischief. She noticed the way his hands clenched and unclenched at his sides as if he were nervous but trying to hide it. The queen regarded him for a long moment, her mind racing with questions and doubts. She steps towards him, her eyes never leaving his.

"And why should I allow you to compete, over all the other suitors who have no doubt proposed to me tonight?" she asks, her voice sharp and to the point.

The man meets her gaze, his own eyes steady and unwavering. "Because I am not a noble by birth, but by choice."