Chapter 7

 Wesleynard bristles at Ana Sofia's words, his pride stung. He opens his mouth to respond, but she cuts him off with a wave of her hand.

"Oh, come now, Weslaynard. I'm only teasing. You know I find your humility endearing."

 Ralthone chimes in, "Don't tease him too much your Majesty. I fear he would crumble" He spoke hoping to get a reaction out of Wesleynard, who narrows his eyes at Ralthone before turning back to Ana Sofia.

"I assure you, my queen, I am not so easily 'crumbled,'" he says, his voice low and steady a vein protruding from the tense flesh of his jaw. 

Ana Sofia chuckles at the exchange, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "I think tonight, Sir. Ralthone has entertained me the most" she flashes a wide grin at him, her weight shifting even closer to Ralthone hoping to get more of a reaction out of the ever-noble Wesleynard. 

 Wesleynard's face remains impassive, but inside, he can't help but feel a twinge of jealousy at Ralthone's success in winning Ana Sofia's favor. He takes a deep breath, reminding himself that he has no claim on the queen's heart. He glances at Ana Sofia and can't help but, admire her smile as she leans closer and Ralthone eats up her attention unable to bear it any longer.

Wesleynard interjects, "My queen, may I have a word with you in private?" His voice is steady, but there is an undercurrent of tension in his words.

Ana Sofia raises an eyebrow, but nods, excusing herself from the room, leaving Sir Ralthone behind.

She followed him into the hallway she could sense a calm anger bubbling beneath the service, he studied her a moment before calmly speaking.

"Do you enjoy playing with my heart your Majesty?" 

In the dimly lit hallway, Ana Sofia feels a chill run down her spine as she registers the cold fury in Wesleynard's voice. She studies his face, searching for any sign of the kind-hearted man she has come to know. She wasn't sure if she could redeem her callous behavior with Ralthone.

"Wesleynard" she continued before he interrupted,

"I have done things the right way to win you favor. You apologized to me for underestimating me. You invite me to a private dinner and now you shamelessly flaunt yourself to that man." he speaks Wesleynard's chest rises and falls with each angry breath, and Ana Sofia can see the veins bulging in his neck.

She realizes that she has hurt him deeply, and she feels a pang of guilt. She went too far with her little game but, she felt the toxic almost borderline evil side of her wanted to push him even further. She knew it was wrong but, she needed to feel the intensity of him even just a sliver. All she's known from him is his kind almost constant saint like demeanor she was the exact opposite and her cruel heart wanted to taint him, maybe then.... 

 "It's not my fault he's a better candidate than you." Ana Sofia's words hang heavy in the air, a stark contrast to the warm and playful atmosphere that had filled the room just moments before.

Wesleynard's eyes widen in surprise, and then narrow in anger as he struggles to contain his emotions. He takes a step closer to Ana Sofia, his voice low and dangerous. She backs herself against the wall, not anticipating his quick reaction.

"Then he's all yours" he spat at her.

Wesleynard's words pierce through Ana Sofia like a dagger, and she feels a sudden wave of regret. She had once again underestimated the depth of his feelings for her, and now she was paying the price. She opens her mouth to apologize, but Wesleynard continues, his voice cold and distant.

"I am a knight of honor and loyalty. I have served your kingdom faithfully, and I have given you my heart, though you have not asked for it. But I will not beg for your affections, nor will I compete for them. If you have found someone more suited to your tastes, then I will step aside and wish you both well." A sudden flare of desperation mixed with aggravation coiled within her. She wasn't able to break down his heart of gold. Was he not also a man? weren't they all powerless to their egos? shouldn't he fight for her? claim her as his? 

 "Why won't you?" she cried gripping his arm. Feeling her body grow feverish from the intensity of the moment.

"Why won't you fight for me?" she repeated, her voice barely above a whisper.

Wesleynard looked down at her hand, still gripping his arm, and then back up at her face. His expression was unreadable, but his eyes softened slightly, "I am not a man that chooses to yell and hurt the woman he cares for your Majesty."

Wesleynard gently removes Ana Sofia's hand from his arm and continues, "I will not fight for you because I respect you too much to engage in such childish games. If you want me to go, I will leave without a fuss. But I will not stay here and watch you humiliate me in front of others." He turns to make his way down the dimly lit corridor before she opens her shaking jaw to reign in her control. 

"Don't go. I won't allow it" barely above a whisper, yet it carries an air of authority that makes Wesleynard pause.

He looks into her eyes, searching for any sign of uncertainty or insincerity. But all he sees is determination and conviction.

"Don't go," she repeats, her voice raising as he feels his chest tightening quickly from the sound of her melodic yet hypnotizing voice. He would do anything she asked of him. He laughs slightly at the sudden gall she has and the change in her demeanor, before speaking candidly.

"What do you want from me, your Majesty? Is it not enough that I have given you my heart and loyalty? Must I also fight for your affections like a dog, begging for scraps at your feet? I am a knight, not a plaything to be used for your amusement. If you truly do not wish for me to leave, then you must treat me with the respect and dignity I deserve."

Feeling herself losing the conversation she decides to switch tactics in hopes of getting him back under her control.

"You do not love me if you did you wouldn't be so willing to give me up! yet you walk away simply because another man is vying for my favor." She shouted at his passive face. 

 Ana Sofia's words hang heavy in the air, and Wesleynard's expression darkens. He takes a step back, releasing himself from her presence.

"You are mistaken, your Majesty," he says, his voice low and measured. "My love for you is not in question."

He closed the space between the two of them, He towered over her as she found herself unable to move an inch in fear, that she might provoke him further. Wesleynard continued, his voice soft but firm, "My love for you is unwavering, but my self-respect is equally important. I cannot, and will not, tolerate being treated as a pawn in your courtly games."

 "You don't have a choice Wesleynard, as your queen you are to stay and compete in the final round." " she quickly responded Her frustration at a boiling point Ana Sofia's voice echoes through the room, filled with frustration and determination. Wesleynard's expression remains unreadable, but he takes a deep breath before responding.

"As your subject, I am bound to follow your commands," he says. "But as a man, I cannot allow myself to be used in such a way."

 Ana Sofia takes a step towards Wesleynard, closing the gap between them. She looks up at him, her eyes filled with a mix of emotions. 

"Wesleynard, I own you. You will do as I say." She narrowed her eyes, and he felt his spine tingle from her claim on him. He dared to challenge her but the fire in her eyes warned against such an idea. Wesleynard's expression softens slightly at Ana Sofia's words, despite their harshness. He reaches up to gently cup her cheek, his thumb tracing the line of her jaw. Wesleynard's expression remains unreadable, but he slowly nods.

"Very well," he says quietly. He walks away leaving her standing there, her heart pounding in her chest as she watches him go.

Who does he think he is!?