Chapter 12

As the commotion of the queen's labor reaches Ana Sofia's ears, she stirs quietly from her sleep, her heart pounds heavily in her chest as her body laments moving once again. She orients herself upright as she struggles to her feet, her body aching from the cold. Her feet feel like cement as the weakly makes her way to the wooden door. Her body hunches as she heaves one heavy step after the other. She strains to listen, trying to make out any further details, but the noise outside her cell is too great. She glances around the room.

I have to get out of here. 

 The memory of her grandfather hours earlier seared through her mind. The pain apparent, she knew whatever small strength she had left wouldn't last much longer. She couldn't let her grandfather carry out his plan. There had to be a way to stop him to convince him. Although she wasn't a fan of her own father. The child, he meant to harm was still innocent. That realization gave her enough resolve for her to dig deeper into the final reserves of energy she had left. Still, she feared that the longer she pushed herself the faster she would reach collapsing for good.

 Desperate now Ana Sofia begins to search her cell for any means of escape. She examines the walls, the floor, and the ceiling, looking for any weak points or hidden mechanisms. Her fingers trace the rough stone, feeling for any cracks or seams. In an almost mechanical form, she darts her eyes from crevice to crevice. She continues to trace the smooth slab when her nail catches a crack. Honing in she examines the area. It's a weakened part in the wall.


Now if only she could find an object get through, she continues to move around the room searching under cupboards and the shelving bolted to the wall. She instantly becomes discouraged.

Shit. There's nothing!

She could feel the tears begin to well deep in her eyes. Is his really how it all ends? Am I really this useless even in a foreign body? She couldn't stop the negative thoughts as they made their way breaking through the bottom of her throat, singing their deadly songs and planting a kiss on her trembling lips. Just once she thought she may be the hero and not a lousy villain. 

Suddenly, she feels a tremor inside her body. She gasps at the painful electrifying pressure in her fingertips.

What is this.....wait Is this magic? 

Her heart soars. She could get out with this; her entire arm began glowing with an electric blue the sensation set her body on fire truthfully, it wasn't a pleasant feeling she felt her feet throb and itch as like a fire with no intention of being put out. She blocked the sensation as she focused on the adrenaline coursing through her veins like a stallion let loose. 

As she concentrates, the crack in the wall begins to glow with a faint blue light, and with a final surge of energy, it crumbles away, revealing a hidden passage beyond the wall. it quickly occurs to her that this was a passageway it is dimly lit, but she sets off sprinting no thoughts simply action. Ana Sofia can make out various turns and forks in the path. She can feel the magic coursing through her veins, guiding her as she runs. Her heart races with exhaustion as she wonders where this passage will lead her. Up ahead she sees the exit she quickly bursts through the door only to find herself in the castle's bustling kitchens. Servants scurry about, preparing for the impending arrival of the new heir to the throne. Ana Sofia takes a moment to catch her breath, trying to gather her bearings. Her breathe is hot and heavy as her head begins to tighten from the intensity occurring in her body. She stays behind a large pantry as she realizes she needed to move soon. 

Shit. Where am I now. 

She can't be seen she quickly ducks out of the kitchen when she realizes the odd structure of the hallways. It all seemed incredibly familiar when another turn revealed.

This is my castle.

She knows these halls like the back of her hand. She can use this to her advantage. She stealthily makes her way through the castle, avoiding detection from the guards and servants. She slowly makes her way up to the queen's chambers as she tries to anticipate where her grandfather might be. When she reaches the room, she hears a gut-wrenching scream. As the piercing scream echoes through the chamber, Ana Sofia's body locks like a book being snapped shut. She hesitates for a moment, gathering her courage, before pushing the door open and slipping inside. The room is dark, with only a few candles flickering in the corners. The air is thick with tension and the smell of blood. It makes her queasy to her stomach as she tries to block another sensation from causing her to denigrate. 

She clings to the wall of darkness but that does nothing to hide her from the horror in front of her. Rosalia was clutching her bloodstained sheets, she was most likely still in excruciating pain. Sweat slicked the woman's pale face as haunting guttural moans erupted from her chest. Ana Sofia takes in the distressing sight before her, her heart heavy with concern for her grandmother.

Why is this happening? Th-this is....

She approaches Rosalia cautiously, her footsteps silent on the stone floor. As she gets closer, she can see the extent of the woman's injuries, deep gashes and bruises marring her once-smooth skin.

 "My God" she whispered in disbelief. "He would go this far?" The gravity of the situation pressed on the back of her skull like a ship sinking from the ocean's pressure. 

 Rosalia moaned as if sensing there was a presence near her, "Rosalia it is me Natalia where is he? does he have your child?" She calmly whispered clutching the woman's shoulder.

Rosalia seemed to snap back into reality like a whip aiming on its target.

"Y-you Stay-y a-away from my Child!" she gasped. 

The stress in Rosalia's voice is incredibly palpable, and Ana Sofia can sense that her grandmother is in no state to answer her questions. She shakes her head.

I need to get her to focus.

She gently cups Rosalia's face in an attempt to reign in her focus. "Listen to me" she cooed. "Ignacio has your child. I want to help you. You can tell me where he took your child alright? I'm your only hope at stopping him. Can you trust me? "

Rosalia's eyes began to tremble slightly, as a mix of desperation and hatred stared back at her tears painted her cheek as she gripped Ana Sofia's forearm before speaking through sputtered gasps.

"T-The b-balcon-n-y-y he-e said he woul-d." 


She gasped in pain before she could finish her train of thought. Ana Sofia nodded as she hushed her.

"Okay. I understand stay here, okay? I'll stop him. Right now, we need to call a healer in for you." As Ana Sofia whispers reassurances to her injured grandmother, she notices a flash of movement outside the window.

She quickly moves to the balcony, careful not to let the cold night air disturb Rosalia's rest. In the distance, she can see a figure sneaking through the shadows, making its way up the castle's balcony in a flash, she clamored back into the corridor as she bounded up the castle's steps. Her hunter like focus was on reaching the balcony before it was too late. She kept pushing her body to its limits as the adrenaline was beginning to wear off the pain that coated her body almost made her falter. She was skipping over two even, three steps like her life depended on outrunning the growing tidal wave eager to swallow her. Up ahead she saw the door wide open to the balcony she shot through like an arrow finally reaching its target. The cold night air hits her face, making her momentarily pause to catch her breath as it suffocated the air in her cheeks. She scans the area and spots her grandfather he is carrying Rosalia's child in his arms everything looks seemingly normal until she sees Ignacio slowly teeter towards the edge.

Her chest seems to explode and tighten simultaneously. "Ignacio!"


 She screams, her voice echoing off the stone walls of the castle. Ignacio turns to look at her, a hauntingly despondent smirk playing upon his lips he looks almost unrecognizable his expression one she never encountered. He is dressed all in black, blending in with the shadows of the night. The child in his arms seems to be unharmed, but Ana Sofia can see the fear in its eyes. As Ignacio locks eyes with Ana Sofia, a chill runs down her spine. She can sense the malice emanating from him, and she knows that she must act quickly to save her grandmother's child.

She takes another deep breath and shouts, "Drop the child, Ignacio!"

"What are you doing out Natalia? Don't tell me you come to help the woman you once despised?"

Ana Sofia feels her limbs falter as she steps into the light, her vision began to blur as she struggled to contain the fervor in her body. She knew any sudden movements would be fatal. Ignacio's words cut through her like a knife, but she knew she couldn't let him get to her.

She kept her voice steady as she responded, "I am here to ensure the safety of that child, Ignacio. Please, let them go."

Ignacio laughs, a dry and heartless sound that sends shivers down her spine, "You always were too soft, my dear," he says, his voice dripping with venom. "But I'm afraid I can't let you have your way this time."

Anger seemed to seize her in that moment. She was tired. Tired of the events taking place and tired of the lies she had been told but, she was also heartbroken. She needed to quickly and efficiently get to the bottom of this. 

"What did you really want?" she inquired.

Ignacio's smile widens, and he takes a step back towards the edge of the balcony, the child in his arms crying softly. "Oh, I wanted what any sane person would want, Natalia. Power." He sneers her name, spitting it out like it leaves a bad taste in his mouth.

"So, you resort to killing a child? That's pathetic. Do you really think after you commit murder! that Rosalia will welcome you back with open arms! it's absolutely pointless. "

Ignacio's laughter continues to echo through the chilly night air, a cruel and merciless sound, "Oh, my dear Natalia, you always were so naive," he says, his voice dripping with mockery. "You think Rosalia will care about some brat she barely knows?"

"That is her child. Her blood. You Ignacio are nothing more than a placeholder." She spat in response. 

Ignacio's eyes narrow, and he takes another step back, his foot hovering precariously over the edge of the balcony. Ana Sofia tightened her fist as she readied herself to jump after the child if necessary. 

"You know nothing, Natalia," he says, his voice low and dark. "I am the one who has been pulling the strings all along."

"What are you talking about? Just spit it out instead of talking in circles"

"Oh, Natalia, you never cease to amaze me with your simplicity," he says, shaking his head slowly. "You see, my dear, I have been working with Daeth all along."


Ignacio's revelation hits Ana Sofia like crashing headfirst into a heavy armored shield. She feels as if the ground has been pulled from beneath her feet. Daeth was the rebellion she was currently fighting how would've it existed 40 years ago? There's no way?

"Yes, that's right, my dear." Ignacio continues, a smug smile playing on his lips. "Daeth and I have been working together to overthrow the monarchy, starting with Thaloria. And now, with the child king out of the way, there will be no one to stand in our way."