Chapter 17

The next morning a soft sunrise filters through Ana Sofia's tent she fusses quietly at the dawning of a new day. She wishes she could stay in bed without a worry in the world. Nonetheless, she takes the growing light as her cue to rise. She quickly dresses in a simple long skirt with a dark brown corset. She wore her hair in a low bun. Her mind began drifting into a slow frenzy. She wasn't able to sleep at all last night and she could see it on her face. 

Ralthone is not your main priority. You need to trust your court.

She takes a few slow steadying breathes, she needed to stay focused at what lies ahead. Her first task this morning was to take stock of the camp's supplies they had been gone almost two weeks now they would soon be running low.

As she makes her way through the camp, she notices the tension in the air. Everyone seems to be on edge, waiting for news from the scouts who had been dispatched the day before. Finally, she spots Wesleynard he is by a small campfire sipping on some warm ale. She approaches him and his appearance sends a flurry of butterflies to her core. His face lights up at her approach, he offers her a quick bow, his golden hair pools over his broad shoulders making him appear to be an angel. His tunic does little to hide the rippled muscles lining his form. He was easily the tallest man she had ever seen tower over her and the men in the camp. 


 "Good morning," she greets him warmly, taking a seat beside him. "How are you holding up?"

Wesleynard sighs deeply, setting his drink down on the ground, "I'm worried, Ana."

"You and me both" She sighs before inching closer to him he wraps an arm around her and pulls her in, nuzzling his face into her neck relishing in sweet vanilla scent. She smiles but even this wasn't enough to calm concerns in her mind. 

"I don't know what to do Wesleynard."

"We wait, my love," Wesleynard replies, his voice thick with concern. "We have faith in our scouts and trust that they will bring us the information we need to make the best decision possible. In the meantime, we prepare ourselves and our men for any eventuality."

My love? I much prefer Your Highness. 

"My love? have we gotten to that stage already?" she teased as a small blush formed on the perimeter of her face. Although she felt things were moving maybe a bit too fast, she knew Wesleynard was not a man to waste time. 

He laughs awkwardly as if realizing his blunder, "May I call love?" 

Maybe I should say no.

"Yes, You may." She replied.

For now...It's alright.

They share a tender moment, their eyes locked on each other. He reaches down to place a soft kiss on her lips, the news of their relationship seemed to spread through the camp like a wildfire. No one seemed to have any concerns or fears their union should be a blessed one in their eyes. As they break apart, Ana Sofia feels a sense of warmth spread through her. She leans in closer to him, their bodies almost touching.

"We'll get through this together, my love," she whispers, in a teasing manner relishing the sweet sound of the word on her tongue. 

"Your Majesty!" Ana Sofia glances over and sees one of the head mages running over, he is out of breath and heaves trying to reign his breathe in.

 "What is it?" she asks, standing up quickly. The mage bows deeply, "My queen, Natalia has completed the spell. The enchantment has been lifted."

Relief washes over Ana Sofia her knees almost buckle beneath her. This turn of events meant that she was one step closer to putting this behind her once and for all.

"Excellent news! " She turns to Wesleynard. "Can you start making preparations to leave? I want us to start traveling before nightfall I'll go check on Natalia."

Wesleynard nods and stands up, giving her a bow. "As you wish, my queen." He turns to the other knights, issuing orders for the camp to be broken down and supplies packed. Meanwhile, Ana Sofia makes her way to the mage's tent. 


Natalia looks up, her eyes wide with surprise. "My queen! The spell is indeed lifted."

Ana Sofia lets out a sigh of relief, as she brings her in for a hug "Thank the heavens above."

"Alright, let's get moving. We have much to do and see before us. Pack your things Natalia it's time for you to see what you've been missing" she jokes playfully. 

Natalia can also barely contain her emotions, being trapped in this forest for far too long had left her wondering what new developments had occurred in the last sixty years. By early afternoon the camp was completely broken down and the knights and mages were ready to depart. Ana Sofia stood by her mare as she stroked its mane. 

"You've been cooped up in here too long, my sweet" she cooed. The mare whinnied softly in reply, clearly eager to stretch her legs once more.

Wesleynard approached her, a smile on his face. "Are you ready, my queen?".

She turned to face him, "Yes. let's finish this."

With a quick motion he lifted her and straddled her on her mare, he softly squeezed her calf to get her attention, "Ethan hasn't send word yet. You'll be the first to know when he does. so.... please, don't burden yourself to much Ana."

Ana Sofia nodded, understanding the concern in his voice. "I'll do my best."


The next few days passed by like a hazy blur the motions were repetitive, travel all day then stop and rest in the evening. They were nearly a three week's distance east from Elynor and the Ana Sofia worried about the dwindling supplies. Ethan had still not sent word and the exhaustion in her body was beginning to make itself known. She had not been accustomed to riding for hours on end with little to no break. Her buttocks ached and her back would twitch at any sudden movement. 

 As they traveled, they encountered a few small skirmishes with bandits and other unsavory characters, but thankfully, they were able to fend them off without any major casualties. Ana Sofia was impressed by Wesleynard's strategic thinking and leadership skills during these encounters.

 She rode alongside him he seemed to be in tip top shape she couldn't spot a single drop of sweat as she rode next to him. She almost caught herself scoffing in annoyance at how perfect he was. Meanwhile she looked worse for wear. She hadn't had a proper bath in days, and she could feel the the dryness in her skin and hair.

"You are either a God or a monster, Wesleynard" she confessed unable to hold back her judgement of him any longer.

He chuckled, "I'll let you decide that for yourself when we reach our destination, my queen."

They rode on in silence for a while, lost in their own thoughts. Finally, they came upon a small clearing where their scouts were waiting for them.

"We've found a settlement, my queen," one of the scouts reported.

Ana Sofia nodded, her heart beating with anticipation her answers were finally answered, "Good. Lead the way." She directed.

The scouts took the lead, guiding them through the forest until they arrived at a small village nestled in the heart of a clearing. The people seemed to recognize her, and Ana Sofia could feel herself calm.

She quickly dismounted she knew there was no time to waste. "I am Queen of Elynor Ana Sofia; May I ask where your leaders are? We've come to request aid of supplies and lodgings. "

A man stepped forward, bowing deeply before her. "My lady, our leader is indisposed at the moment. However, we have enough supplies to share with you and your men. As for lodgings, we have a few homes that are unoccupied. Please, make yourselves comfortable."

Ana Sofia nodded gratefully. "Thank you, what is the name of this settlement?" she questioned.

The man straightened up, a small smile on his face. "This humble village is called Forsythia, my lady. We're honored to be of service to you and your knights."

Ana Sofia returned the smile. "Thank you, Forsythia. Your hospitality is truly appreciated." She quickly continued, "Oh, you mentioned your leader was indisposed may I inquire why? What is your name sir?"

The man looked at her solemnly. "My lady, our leader, Lord Forsyth, has fallen ill. He's been bedridden for the past few days now. As for me, my name is Malcolm. I'm the deputy leader of the village."

"I see, perhaps one of my mages can take a look at him? It's the only way I can repay Forsythia at the moment."

Malcolm nodded gratefully. "That would be most kind of you, my lady. We would be forever in your debt." Ana Sofia turned to Wesleynard, who nodded in agreement. "Alright then, let's make camp here. I'll send one of my mages to take a look at him."


After introductions and tasks were delegated Ana Sofia and Wesleynard were led to a banquet hall. As the they stepped inside the smell of warm bread and freshly cooked meal wafted around her. Natalia trailed behind them they three of them sat at a small table secluded in the corner. Food and drinks were brought in a quick an efficient manner. 

Natalia took a small bite of the food, savoring the flavors. "This is delicious," she said with a smile.

 The group ate in quiet silence the days of riding most likely getting to them. As Ana Sofia sipped on her wine, she felt her body relax and the aches softly faded away. 

"Your Highness. We have a room ready." A tavern maid noted.

"Thank you, will you lead the way." She replied.

Eager to get herself into a warm bath she shot from her seat but, the motion was too quick, and the wine sloshed out of her glass, spilling onto the table. She winced, cursing her clumsiness.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed, reaching for a napkin to wipe up the mess.

The tavern maid chuckled softly, waving off the apology, "You must be tired, your majesty allow me to escort you." Wesleynard offered her his arm and she was thankful for his concern.

"Yes. Goodnight Natalia, We'll visit the village leader in the morning "

The tavern maid led them up a winding staircase, her footfalls silent on the wooden steps. As they ascended, the sounds of merriment from below faded into the background. At the top of the stairs, she stopped at a door and knocked softly. The door opened to reveal a small, cozy room with a large bed in the center. The tavern maid bowed her head.

"Your majesty, this is your room. If there's anything you need, just ask." With a small smile, Ana Sofia thanked her and Wesleynard closed the door behind her.

 "Here I'll get the bath ready for you." He quickly unbuckled his gloves and began to light the candles surrounding the tub.

The room was small but cozy, with soft rugs covering the floor and a small table by the window. As he worked, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the hospitality they've been shown. 

"If you spoil me like this too much, I'll always expect it." She teased as she approached the warm bath dipping her finger in the temperature was burning but, she knew her muscles would be thankful.

 "You deserve it, Your Majesty," Wesleynard replied with a chuckle. "After all, you've been through, a little indulgence won't hurt." He finished lighting the candles and stepped back, admiring the warm glow they cast on the room. "Now, relax and enjoy your bath."

 She looked at him almost pouting, "You won't stay?" He cupped her shoulders and placed a gentle kiss to her forehead, "You need rest Ana." She pouted even deeper "Alright, fine." She grumbled.

He said his goodbyes and after a long bath she slipped into the night slumbering into a deep sleep.