Chapter 21

Wesleynard quietly made his way deeper into the cave's matrix the sound of the floor galloped beneath his feet to matching the urgency of his pace. He stealthily turned a corner and entered the small room he had been sleeping in the past few days he tried to suppress his guilt knowing Ana has slept in that abandoned house. Freezing, exhausted and afraid. He felt the urge to his head into the rock's hard coverings erase the memories of her expression when he found her.

Now is not the time, you can spend the rest of your life making it up to her.

Hurriedly he opened the large closet nestled in the corner his strength nearly tore the hinges off. The wooden enclosure revealed his sword, it was woven tightly beneath a seal as if it were a relic from another world. He drew the sword from its sheath, feeling the weight of it in his hand. The blade was long and slender, with an iridescent blue glow emanating from its surface. It hummed softly as he held it, as if eager for battle. He gripped the blade tightly as he prepared himself to imbue his magic into the blade this weapon's particular ability was: Juarmento de sangre, blood oath.

The blade's sharpness easily pricked his hand as deep red began to coat the surface's metal Wesleynard gritted his teeth as the blade cut deeper into his skin, but he didn't flinch.

I should cut my hand off in repentance.

Instead, he focused on the magic flowing through him, channeling it into the sword. The iridescent blue glow intensified, becoming more pronounced with each passing second. Images of Ana Sofia's broken body began flooding his mind, he blinked hard trying to force the view from his sockets it was tortuous, but he couldn't control the darkness overtaking him. His eyes strained as his vision tunneled and the taste of blood began to fill his nose and mouth. The sword finished its ritual, its magic sealing itself onto the blade. Wesleynard let out a shaky breath, his hand trembling as he sheathed the sword once more. He turned and left the room, his thoughts dark and brooding. 


"" a quiet voice called. Ana opened her eyes to see her mother sitting at the edge of her bed her presence startled ana causing her to jolt under her sheets. 

"Mother? What is...." Ana's mother shushed her while inching closer to her "Don't react but I thought I should warn you. The marriage has been finalized." 

"Marriage? but I'm not of age till next year why? I do not understand" Ana's voiced was laced with confusion. She studied her mother's face her expression was indiscernible there was a faint crease in between her brows, and her eyes wouldn't meet her own. For the first time Ana felt her stomach twist. She had prepared for this she knew one day she would have to leave her childhood behind, but the sudden news filled her with dread. 

 "Who is it? Who has been chosen for me?" She whispered. Her mother finally met her gaze, she watched as her pupils constricted and her breathing slightly trembled. It felt like a breath that would suspend all time if she let it then maybe the fear she felt wouldn't come to pass.

"The King". Ana froze, her heart pounding in her chest.

She knew the King was powerful and influential, but he was also cruel and ruthless, she couldn't believe what she was hearing. She laughed quietly the only thing she could think of was how sudden this was she was sure this wasn't real.

Right? wait no please.

"Mother, I can't marry him. I can't leave you, and I can't let him hurt me." She pleaded, her voice breaking. "Mother please, you must be able to convince father, you know the rumors he's a cruel man he will...." She reached out to pull at her mother's wrist trying to gauge if she would help her or not, she tightened her grip when she realized she wasn't responding.

 "Ana, stop." Her mother's voice was firm, but her eyes were pleading. "I can't change your father's mind. He's made his decision, and he believes this is for the best." Ana's heart sank, feeling a sense of resignation wash over her, "Do not speak of the king in that manner you will get us all killed if you do." She quickly added. 

Ana could barely hold back her shock; she watched as her mother rose from her side and quietly made her way to the door.

"Mother. If you are not going to help me why bother even warning me?" she asked through gritted teeth. Her mother paused her back still turned to her.

"Because I don't want you to face the King blindly," she said softly. "He is dangerous, but there may be ways to survive this marriage. You must be cautious and observant. Learn everything you can about him, his strengths, and his weaknesses."

"Is that the only reason?" her mother sighed, "Ana please don't make me say it."


When Ana's eyes opened the heaviness in her heart seemed to dissipate the memory of that day was just the beginning of the nightmare she would face. After that moment she never saw her mother again the wedding was finalized in less than a month with the church's approval. She had often spent many days wondering what happened to her mother, what had caused her love to change so abruptly.

"Ana? you're awake!" Natalia's voice echoed in the small cave. Ana sat up, taking in her surroundings. She was in a small chamber with soft furs scattered on the ground. A single torch flickered in the corner, casting long shadows across the walls. Natalia stood by the entrance; her eyes filled with concern.

Ana felt tears form in her eyes at the sight of Natalia, without hesitation Natalia quickly ran over to wrap her in a tight hug. Her warmth caused a deep primal reaction within Ana she began to shake quietly as sobs wracked through her chest. 

"It's okay," Natalia whispered, rubbing her back soothingly. "You're safe now." She pulled away and offered a small smile, trying to reassure her. "How are you feeling?"

Ana took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. "Normal? How long have I been asleep? I remember being with Wes." She tried to recall but it caused her temples to ache if she strained.

"You've been asleep for about two days now. Wesleynard brought you here after you fell from the river. We've been trying to get you to safety when we were suddenly attacked by Daeth's men. It was a miracle we managed to escape, thanks to Wesleynard's quick thinking."

"Where is he now?" She asked, Natalia paused before responding, "He's okay there is no need for you to worry. Come let me see how your injuries are doing." She quickly went to her workstation to gather her supplies. Ana furrowed her brows at Natalias reaction to Wes, but she didn't have the energy to press for now she needed to focus on alleviating the nauseating feeling on her stomach and the aches and pains that seemed to be all over the place. Natalia carefully examined Ana's injuries, muttering spells under her breath as she did so.

"You were extremely lucky," she said, her voice grave. "These wounds could have been fatal if not for my healing magic. But they're not completely gone yet. You'll need more time to fully recover."

"I can't thank you enough Natalia. When you see Wes can you have him come see me?" Natalia once again paused as if obviously trying to hide something.

"Yes, of course your Majesty when he returns."

"Returns? he's not here?" Natalia quickly shook her head, "No, he's not here right now but he will be back soon. Rest assured he's safe." She reassured her with a gentle smile. 

Ana simply returned her smile and let her work there was something strange here and she would have to find out herself. However, after a full meal and some healing salves she couldn't fight the constant drowsiness behind her eyes.