Chapter 30

The news of the wedding spread throughout the lands and to Ana's surprise the people were in large support of Wesleynard. They spoke of their excitement for his leadership and praised his accomplishments. The wedding preparations bustled about quickly as there was no time to spare. Each day there was new developments on Daeth Elynor's forces worked tirelessly to suppress any more looting and ravaging. For a moment all was peaceful and the people felt they had regained a small semblance of normality. It warmed their hearts as they found the wedding a grand event to look forward too. A few weeks had passed, and the season of fall had grown stronger the leaves began changing and the crisp air seemed to chill their bones a little more. As the wedding day drew near, Ana Sofia found herself excited she had finally felt like her place as leader was solidified, she was acutely aware of Daeth's plans and movements and then she would spend the rest of the days planning her wedding with Natalia at her side and when night fell, she was embraced by her lover. The days seemed to blur together and often Ana would find herself utterly spent.

One afternoon she was at the city's chapel discussing plans with merchant's and the priests. Natalia held out fabric as she compared two colors, "Which one suits your taste your majesty? If we line, your veil with his color you will glow as you walk down the aisle! as you can see it matches the stained-glass windows that line the church!"

"That sounds lovely Natalia," Ana Sofia said with a smile, her voice tinged with excitement. She ran her fingers over the fabric, feeling the softness against her skin. "I think I'll go with the darker red. It has a richer hue and will complement my complexion nicely."

"A wonderful choice!" The merchant replied with exuberance the two women giggled as they allowed themselves to melt in the joys of being a woman.

 The wedding was planned to proceed right on time with only two more months to ensure they could have a wedding without snowfall. As the day wore to a close Ana was packing her samples in her truck. Servants were aiding in ensuring everything was placed back in an orderly fashion before they were to head back in the carriage. Natalia stepped away for a moment to help a mage, with a confusing rune. Ana was lost in thought she didn't realize that there was a male servant eyeing her from the corner of the chapel. The servant's eyes traced over Ana Sofia's form, admiring her regal beauty. His heart raced as he watched her, unable to tear his eyes away from her. He couldn't believe his luck; she was truly breathtaking. She was writing on her parchment blissfully unaware of how he began to approach her, the other servants seemed to not notice, and the knights stood guard outside. Suddenly, the servant lunged towards Ana Sofia, his hands clasping around her throat. His eyes were wild, filled with a maddening desire to possess her. She gasped for air, her hands flailing helplessly against his strong grip. The servants gasped as they screamed in horror, Ana Sofia could barely grasp the situation in front of her. She wildly scratched at his face, but he seemed to only press harder. Suddenly a cloaked figure emerged, he pulled the man off from Ana and she collapsed gasping for air. She didn't see that the servant's neck had been snapped instead she found her voice hoarse as she tried to scream. She looked up to find Ralthone lifting her off the ground. He quickly secluded her under his dark garment as he escorted her under his veil to her carriage. She could hear him bark orders as she gripped his neck, she was so afraid she didn't care that she was violently shaking the man who held her. 

He opened the carriage door and set her gently on the seat, she was gripping his collar so tight she felt her fingers may break.

She could hear his voice but didn't seem to register much until he placed his hand over hers, she looked up into his dark eyes and his words began to reach her ear, "Your Majesty!" She jumped at the sound of her name, pulling her hand away from his touch.

"What happened?" she asked, her voice shaking. "That servant... he tried to hurt me!" She looked around frantically, her heart still racing.

Ralthone sighed, his expression grim. "He wasn't a servant, he was an Daeth assassin." 

Ana Sofia felt the color drain from her face, as she wailed into her hands a ferocious fear gripped her, Ralthone began to bark orders at the driver, and they took off towards the castle. As they sped back towards the castle, Ana Sofia tried to calm herself down. She couldn't believe that someone had tried to kill her right there in the middle of the day.

She looked up at Ralthone, her eyes filled with fear she wasn't sure what to say, "Thank you," she whispered, her voice hoarse. "For saving me."

"Where is that oaf of a man at? Shouldn't he be here protecting you." he spoke as he clicked his tongue. 

Ana Sofia flinched at Ralthone's words, but she forced herself to remain calm. "That's enough, Ralthone. You saved me, and for that, I am grateful." She looked out the window, trying to hide her fear and anger. "As for the Wesleynard, he was just doing his duty he can't be with me at all times. You should know that."

 Ralthone rolled his eyes, "Even now you protect him? Maybe this incidence will remind you of the wrong choice you made."

Ana Sofia straightened her back as she leveled her gaze, "Is that all you have to say now!? Not why has an assailant managed to get himself inside of my kingdom!" she yelled at him her face growing red. His mouth snapped shut as he glared at her, Ana couldn't understand why he continued to despise Wesleynard. She understood they were once competitors but that is no longer the case, she made her choice loudly and clearly and Ralthone needed to accept that. 

The carriage came to a sudden halt as the door swag open Ana Sofia nearly collapsed as the sight of Wesleynard. His eyes searched her trembling figure as he shot a glare at the man opposite her in the carriage.

She threw herself into his arms and began to sob violently "Shhh, it's alright," he whispered, rubbing her back soothingly. "You're safe now." He looked up at Ralthone, his face twisted in anger.

"Thank you for your assistance, Ralthone," he said, his voice icy. "But I must say, your presence is no longer required here."

Ralthone's face flushed with anger, but he nodded curtly and turned away, leaving them alone. Wesleynard held her tightly as he took her to their chambers, she had cried all the way there. The servants looked over in fear and worry as they entered. There was sure to be hell to pat the next morning and it was the staff that would suffer the most. When they arrived, he ordered them all out and closed the doors behind them, he gathered her into his arms, rocking her gently as she cried.

"Shh, it's okay now." He whispered, his voice soothing. "You're safe with me." He hummed in her ear as she trembled against his chest. 


Wesleynard held her tightly for what seemed like hours until she was lulled into a deep sleep. He gazed down at her face; it was swollen, and tear stained. She looked so vulnerable. He brushed her hair off her forehead, kissing her gently on the forehead. He began to gently undress her so that she would be able to sleep comfortably. His hands began working on untying the complex strings and lace that accentuated her bodice, his hands then moved to remove the bangles adorning her wrists and the earrings that highlighted her complexion. As he began to unclasp the ruby necklace, that pressed against her neck and chest his hands stilled. He didn't notice it earlier, but it soon became apparent of the forming bruises from her attacker. He swore under his breath, anger boiling up inside him. He couldn't believe that someone would dare harm Ana Sofia, let alone try to kill her in the presence of her guards and loyal servants. He looked down at the necklace in his hand, feeling a pang of guilt. It was a gift from him, meant to symbolize their love and commitment to each other. He remembered sending it to her under the guise of a secret admirer. Well, that was the truth in his mind. He had watched her since the very beginning he'll never forget the way she stole his heart on her wedding day with the late King. That image will haunt him forever yes, her beauty struck him to his core but, it was her quivering lips and the soulless look in her eyes that made a mark on him. He lifted the necklace and pressed it against her chest, the cold metal feeling foreign against her warm skin.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice hoarse. "I'm so sorry this happened to you." His fingers traced the outline of her jaw, his thumb brushing away a stray tear.