Welcome To The Academy

Levi felt a twitch in his nose. He attempted to shake his head to alleviate the sensation, but the itch persisted. As he reached up to scratch it, his fingers came into contact with a chilly, creamy substance on his face. Startled, he abruptly sat up, only to discover a group of boys, likely his age, laughing at him.

Levi looked around and found himself on a white bed in an orange-painted room that appeared to be a dormitory. The boys continued to laugh, and it was then that Levi noticed his face was smeared with toothpaste. The boys' laughter increased, leaving Levi even more bewildered.

"Newbie has no idea what's going on," one of the boys mocked, which made them all laugh even louder. Their laughter abruptly ceased when a man, a young lady, and a girl around Levi's age entered the room.

"You never cease to humiliate yourself before newcomers," the lady said in disgust to the boys. She was dressed in a white coat. Levi assumed she was a doctor. The boys grumbled their way out of the room with their heads down.

The three visitors turned their attention to the boy on the bed. Hey there, how are you feeling?" the lady asked him with concern. Levi was confused about what was happening. She must have read his mind because she said, "You must be wondering where you are. This is The Academy."

The Academy? The one the aged woman spoke about back at the shade? What is he doing here? How did he get here? Levi had so many questions.

The lady handed Levi some wipes for his toothpaste-covered face. She was about to open her mouth to say something when the older man cut her off. "That's enough, Susan. You've told him everything he needs to know. However, I came here for a different reason," he said, turning his gaze to Levi.

The man stepped forward and positioned himself just to the left of Levi. "What's your name, boy?" he asked.

"Levi... Levi Parker" Levi replied as he sat up, "What am I doing here?"

"Well, we brought you here, of course," the man said smartly. "I'm Edwin Saunders, the Dean," he said, placing his hand on his chest.

Levi, feeling insecure, wiped his face and asked, "Why did you bring me here?" 

"We found you half-dead in a shade at Mayskeep. We brought you here to save your life," the man replied bluntly.

Levi scanned his surroundings with a glare, including the two women before the bed where he lay. "Well, thank you. I suppose I'll be leaving now?" Levi said as he got up. He couldn't help but be surprised by his newfound strength; getting up from bed had never been so effortless for him before.

"You would be doing no such thing," the Dean said, locking eyes with Levi. Levi paused, sensing an uneasy atmosphere in the room. He glanced at the lady and the girl present. The lady seemed to be avoiding eye contact, as if she did not support what was about to happen, while the girl maintained a resolute and determined posture.

Levi returned his eyes back to the Dean, "Excuse me?"

"I said you would not be leaving." 

"Why not? Would you stop me?" Levi asked, agitated.

"Unless you are willing to explain how you were present at the crime scene of a triple homicide involving three deceased officers, you will not be leaving," the Dean paused for effect. "And as for stopping you, that certainly won't be a problem. You don't have any choice within The Academy."

Triple homicide? What was he talking about? Levi didn't even remember what happened. He was stunned.

"I came here to ask if you remember what transpired," the Dean added, adjusting his posture. "It was a gruesome scene. Surely, a young lad like you couldn't have done that."

Seeing that Levi was standing in confusion and not replying, the Dean proceeded, "I guess you don't." He sighed and made his way to the door. Stopping just under the post, he turned to face Levi and said, "Welcome to The Academy, Levi - you're an ingent now." He then directed his gaze towards the girl and continued, "Please ensure that he undergoes orientation and everything else required to get him started." The girl nodded in agreement, and the Dean took his leave. 

The doctor lady only bowed before taking her leave too.

"Follow me, let's find you a uniform," the girl ordered.


"By the way, the name's Abby," the girl informed Levi. He couldn't help but notice that she had a darker complexion and was considerably shorter than him, with afro-braided hair. Judging by her appearance, it was evident that she was a prominent and respected academic.

They just left the DressMaker and were walking down a long corridor. Levi was given a lavender and red polyester sweatshirt with matching lavender trousers. As they made their way, Levi noticed several academics in the hallway, some dressed in similar colours to his outfit, while a few were wearing black and red like Abby. Levi couldn't help but wonder if the clothing choices indicated a ranking system.

Levi called out to Abby who was outwalking him. "Are you guys sure I'm meant to be here?" He asked her.

"Do I look like The Highs to you, pretty face?" She kept on walking.

Levi was silent for a bit as they made a turn, "And what did the Dean mean by me being an ingent?"

"Isn't that obvious? Everyone here is an ingent. If you're an academic, you're an ingent. Simple," she remarked. Levi didn't appreciate her straightforward attitude.

Before she could turn back, Levi interjected, "And... where are we going?

"Don't worry, we're here," she replied and gestured towards a nearby door.

Abby opened the door, and she stepped inside with Levi. Levi was amazed at what he saw–a large hall resembling a school basketball court, but bathed in shades of red. He could spot academics wearing safety attire and a few white-clad staff members. Levi had never imagined such facilities existed in this day and age. 

"This is The Den, where you'll discover what your abilities are," Abby announced.

Levi thought, "Abilities? What abilities?" However, his wondering ceased as he witnessed a boy at the testing area levitating in the air, with fire dancing in his palms. Levi's jaw dropped in awe.

Abby noticed his reaction, she smiled. "It's always like this with the noobs."