
This definitely wasn't the news Levi had wanted to hear. While the journey was originally scheduled for the next day, he felt that he needed at least a day. Curse that man!

Levi gazed at his reflection in the massive mirror in his 27th-floor room. He was about to put his life in danger in an unrequired expedition. He scanned himself with the mirror as he got into his lavender. 

Look at him, he used to be a diseased kid with no further ambition in life. Levi found himself giving a poignant chuckle, he was supposed to be rotting six feet below the ground with no one mourning him, no family, no friends. That is, if anyone would be generous enough to bury him. Some random denizen could just sell his body off to a Death Harbour.

Now, here he was. A sudden change of life has given him a new view. Which is better; dying slowly of an excruciating illness or getting ripped apart by regenerated creatures? Levi smiled and completed his clothing. Either of them, there will be pain or fear. But now, at least he could die alongside some friends he made, alongside Brody, Abby and...Jamie. 

They will surely give him hope and the driving will, even Meera the doctor had wished he would return. He would return, he has Lexi with him, doesn't he? And of course he just unlocked Azure yesterday, that could be enough to protect him, wouldn't it?

He sighed and put on his boots. Where was he in this life actually? Four days of drastic change and he can't remember some events, now he has a talking voice in his head that says it can give him abilities. Crazy, they call him.

After all this, what next? Another raid? He has never experienced the Ròkks before but he has heard lots of stories from older people. And the way it sounded, it seems the world could be split in two, darkness and bright sky.

Levi wished his father was here, he was a smart man. He needed someone he knew to be with him, someone extremely close, like family. Everyone here is so foreign, that is except Brody. Everything is so new and too fast for him to comprehend and perhaps, this could lead him to a psychotic break. He was stupid for ever running away from home, infantile and stupid! He wanted to cry. But he knew he shouldn't.

There was a knock on his door.

Levi comported himself and wiped away any trace of hanging tears. He opened the door, revealing Abby and his best friend. Abby had let her hair completely loose, and it had turned into a full afro. Meanwhile, Brody had a black band around his head.

Levi forced a smile, maybe he had forced it, he wasn't sure. They are really with him.

The three went down the elevator and stepped outside into the open space. The sun was shining, its rays gentle and tinged with red. The bright light on their faces made it difficult for Levi to make out what he saw.

Far away, next to the horizon of the open space, there was a huge aircraft, sleek, pointy and metallic. Wow, Levi exclaimed.

He could see Jamie walking towards them, her hair yielding to the gentle wind. As she approached, she greeted them with her usual smile. "Can I borrow him for a second?" she asked, taking Levi's hand.

[Not her again]

Brody excused himself and Abby, seeing that Brody had done so, reluctantly followed suit. She gave Jamie a hostile glare and Levi a more approving one before walking in the opposite direction.

Jamie wrapped her arm around Levi's as they walked toward Loras, who was standing next to the jet.

"Would this be your first time on an aircraft?" She asked.

"Yeah," Levi replied. She was tall, but he was still taller by a few inches.

"You know the funny thing? This is the last voyage to The South Wing. So, we're kind of the iconic ones," she chuckled with a turn and smiled at him. "The Academy can't provide Meetegen anymore and that..." She pointed at the dark blue painted VTL jet, "That runs on Meetegen."

[I can tell]

From far away, Levi could see a lot of academics crowded together, bounded by a long rail and the securities. Wow, are they all here to see them off? He could swear he spotted Chase and his casted arm.  

"Okay!" Loras hollered with excitement as they approached him. Abby and Brody arrived a few seconds later, while Nate and Paige emerged from the jet. "We call this baby Gravity Fall!" He proclaimed, caressing the bunker of the jet. 

"Here we are," Robert said from behind, he had just arrived in one of the golf-cart vehicles with two security details with him. Robert talked with Loras for some time while the voyaging academics returned to their hostility. Levi could notice Robert's domineering attitude and how Loras was nodding to everything he said. "Alright," Robert said with a swing of his hand. "Bon Voyage."

The academics climbed the short steps into the door of the sizable jet. Inside was definitely not what Levi expected. It was quite small, a low ceiling with a few double seats and a narrow aisle. It was hued in light blue and the jet's edges had the same hydraulic movement as the raegers and phasers do. The other parts were just black, which gave availability for the blue to glow calmly on the seats and was embellished with the new leather smell.

The academics clambered up the short steps into the door of the sizable jet. Inside, it definitely wasn't what Levi expected. It was pretty cramped, with a low ceiling, a few double seats, and a narrow aisle. It was coloured in a light blue hue, and the jet's edges had that same hydraulic movement as raegers and phasers do. The other parts were all black, which left room for the blue glow to peacefully illuminate the seats, accompanied by that fresh scent of new leather.

The door closed automatically by itself and the engine turned on. "Brace yourselves," Levi could hear Loras say. He hurriedly made a dash for a seat as the jet began to ascend vertically.