End Entry

Earth's Fall- Day 8016- 7:02PM- The Shed, Mayskeep, Tundra, North Wing.

The loud ringing of a cellphone resonated around The Shed. Jean staggered to the phone table and took a look at the caller ID, his face squeezed and he ignored it.

He waddled out of the main room and made his way down the stairs to the basement. Jean opened the door slowly and stepped in, shutting and locking it as soon as he was in.

He walked to his chair and sat, setting his eyes on the briefcase on the table, displayed by the bright white light from the ceiling.

The briefcase was crafted with fine metal, multiple ridges on it and an exquisite red capital letter 'G' designed on it. The briefcase was big and fat, in between the sealed mouth, there was a bright blue light escaping from within.

Jean took a deep breath and placed his hands on the box, caressing the briefcase as his hands searched for the locks.