
"Hey man," Levi said, kneeling down to face Box as he relaxed on the wall. 

"Hey," Box replied weakly with a groan. 

"I'll handle it," Levi assured. "How about Nate?" He asked as he pulled out the sharp metal from his thigh. 

Box groaned with pain. "I left him in the cave," he forced himself to speak.

"I don't think he's gonna be there," Abby piped in, coming closer to meet them.

Box yelled as Levi put his hand into the bloody wound.  A set of blue veins routed into the injury, spreading around and sealing the skin shut, good as new.

Box gave another loud groan of relief as he felt a surge of power in his leg, repairing all damages.

"Lessen your scream, we don't wanna attract these creatures," Abby said. "I believe they're Special Levelled, a Special Levelled never attack unless disturbed." She looked at Levi and raised her palm which Box had tried his best to tie and cease the bleeding.