Training Session

Bam! Bam! Bam! The knock on the door was persistent.

Levi sighed in his sleep and tried to roll over. His body refused that because there was a dead weight on him. Levi's eyes flew open as he came to reality. He rubbed his sleepy eyes and raised his head. Jamie was sleeping on him.

[Rise and Shine]

[Congratulations, you have lost your virginity]

[Only if it could help increase your core] Lexi hissed.

Levi stroked his hair back, clearing his view. He glanced around, clearly tranced and confused. He groaned, trying his best not to wake up Jamie who was still sound asleep. "What-what's the time?" Levi stammered.

Lexi hacked and read the electric clock on the table. 

[Fifteen minutes past eight]

[You both were out for a long, long time]