Cafeteria Went Quiet

Shuffling of feet scrambled the air as every academic tramped their way into the cafeteria. Noisy discussions and laughs coming from groups of twos, threes or an uncountable crowd of mates.

Levi entered with his team, the other academics picking their paces to take their favourite positions even though there were enough seats.

Nate led the four of them to a position next to the open window and the wall. Levi looked around, his eyes searched for Abby. He wondered where she was.

Levi felt different now. Another visit to the cafeteria with the whole institution present, but this visit was different. This time around, he blended in, he felt among.

They took their seats.

Paige sat to the wall, Box did the same in the opposite seat. Levi sat in between Paige and Josh because she refused to let the nerdy boy come anywhere near her. Nate had gone to get food for all of them.