
It was like a freeze-frame moment, where everyone's jaws dropped, eyes widened, and a hush fell over the crowd, as if time itself paused in awe.

The green light displayed vibrant, fluorescent colours on the pillared academics, aesthetically changing the colour of the blood as it flowed, dripping 64 feet to the ground.

The boy dropped his staff and he looked at his trembling hands. It was almost like he didn't want to do it but he did it anyway.

Not a single sound came from the crowd. Not a single sound came from Levi. He couldn't believe someone just died right now, right in front of him.

"Good," that voice came again. The deep voice shattered the stillness, jolting everyone back to reality. Levi could sense all heads raise from the gaze on the dead body to the silhouette figure that was standing.

"You did just as required," Sebastian congratulated the academic, calling him by his codename.