

The impact on her stomach was so extreme that she didn't make a sound, only a voiceless squeal escaped her lips as the Humvee stood proudly, vertically on her.


The other vehicle that had caused the tumble, crashed next, its tyres bulleted out and displaced themselves out from the vehicle as it landed with a thud. Humvees were very durable and strong, so, little compression damage was all that it suffered.

Levi wondered who would be reckless enough to thrust themselves away into the hole. He struggled to his unsteady feet and decided to check on Jamie's welfare, his best guess being that she didn't survive.

The doors of the crashed Humvee forced themselves open in the darkness and Levi could hear the sizzling sound of pressurized air escape. The sounds of boots staggering out gladdened him because he was certain the attackers were stunned too.