
Levi frowned.

[I had thought its first shape was probably a default appearance...]

[It is very mind blowing that this Decagon can choose to change its appearance into a motorable object too]

[You have a difficult task at hand, Levi]

Levi scoffed and watched the looming aircraft position itself. It emitted an eerie atmosphere to Levi because now, he was certain that thing wasn't just a simple four-winged aircraft. It was a living robot, acting on orders.

Levi's head turned, his eyes fixed on the aircraft as it dashed over him.

Even though the aircraft was zooming with Meetegen-tapped speed, Levi could still see it move since he was powered with Meetegen energy too. If it had been a regular civilian witnessing it, all they'd see is a wicked sonic blast and those groovy blue waves.