
This was it. The Aftermath.

The planet Earth lay in ruins, destruction stretching out to all four corners—annihilation, devastation, ruination, and desolation. Every foot of land was a stark reminder of the devastating toll taken by the Hertian raid. Once-bustling communities and cities, filled with life and towering buildings, had now been reduced to skeletal frames engulfed in flames, with broken and crumbling edifices scattered across the landscape.

Total Casualties: 4, 000, 000, 700 people

This was the cost. Another calamity had fallen upon them, leaving their population at a mere hundred thousand—a near extinction of the human race. Those who survived were drastically injured, diseased, or simply lucky. But the trauma of what had transpired still loomed, the cloud still dark—"lucky" seemed far too jovial a term in this context. Nonetheless, there were bodies and destruction, with the lives lost calculated at 70% Westerners and 30% Northerners.