Va Tsuna Civilization. 6

Box's eyes followed Levi's towering and menacing figure as it loomed towards the two Hertians already seated around the massive dining table. Ozi-chan's eyes in particular moved up to meet the piercing gaze of Levi, who had just stopped moving and stood directly next to them as if present for just a casual conversation.

Levi cleared his throat, his eyes skimming the other two Hertian chiefs whom he knew very well, as much as he knew Ozi-chan. When none of them refused to speak up first and explain themselves, Levi decided to help himself with the honours, his voice coming out modest and hospitable. "It's interesting to see how swiftly some of us can shift roles and deviate from the laid-out charter governing us. Is this a temporal change?" Levi asked with bitter irony, his gaze never leaving Ozi-chan in particular. "Tell me, Ozi-chan, your unprecedented and unacknowledged arrival here as Hertia—what prompted such?"