Va Tsuna Civilization. 8

Levi watched with full interest as the Reckon of the Aarsidis, now surprisingly proclaimed to be female emerged into the massive dining room, her vis influence flooding everywhere. 

She was not alone, in fact, she had a convoy with her, as if a goddess—or particularly, a queen. She was carried aloft by a palanquin by a cadre of slaves draped in scarce white robes. The slaves were six in number, each one guiding the needed sides of the palanquin to keep her in balance as they moved in perfect sync, not tilting or granting her slight discomfort at the very least. The palanquin itself that supported her weight was crafted with fine, dark wood designed with spiral patterns of gold and silver—probably real gold and silver. The bare footsteps of the slaves echoed through the silent hall as they moved with extremely slow, fluid grace.