A Dangerous Path

For once, nature didn't seem to be on Melisa or Teresa's side. Since the start of their search, it started raining and gradually got heavier as time went on.

The place where Melisa disappeared was in an area of rocks and cliffs that were dangerous to walk on when it rained. Since they didn't know when the area would collapse due to the heavy rain, the search team took a break to avoid further casualties. Alexius, who came to the search location, was also not allowed to get close to the dangerous area. In the end, Alexius could only wait anxiously in the tent that the search team had provided before his arrival.


When Alexius heard the sound of approaching horses, the man immediately got up from his sitting position and then rushed over to the knight who had just arrived.

"Did you manage to find them?"

The knight showed a grim expression. Even before hearing the answer, Alexius already knew that they had not been able to find Melisa.

"Forgive us, Your Highness."

Alexius let out a long breath. His anxiety did not stop there. Hence, he immediately asked the knight another question.

"Then, what about Lord Alister? Did he also retreat along with the rest of the search team?"

The knight still showed a gloomy expression. Hence, Alexius turned angry this time.

"How could you leave him alone in this situation? You know how much danger there is in that place when the rain doesn't stop! You should drag him to safety, even if he refuses to do so!"

Alister was the heir to the famous Marquess family. Not to mention, he also left without the consent of his family. The balance of the palace would truly be shattered if Alister was also in danger. Alexius felt his head throbbing in pain, even if he was just imagining the effects of this incident.

"But, Your Highness...."

"If you guys are afraid of dragging him back, I will go to drag him personally!"

"Please don't, Your Highness! We will drag him to safety. Even if he curses and tries to hurt us, we will secure him as soon as possible!"

Everyone immediately panicked when Alexius intended to settle things in private. The knight also hastily mounted his horse again. However, before he could spur his horse forward, his companion, who was supposed to be at the forefront in his place, came along with a panicked expression.

"It's bad, Your Highness!"

The trunked knight halted his horse in a hurry before he delivered the bad news that made him pale all the way to meet Alexius.

"An avalanche just occurred near the search area. It happened near Lord Alister's search area. Therefore, we were unable to find him in the area after the landslide stopped."


Alexius never thought that the things he feared would happen one by one. The man clenched his hands tightly. If it came to this, even if the search had to take even more lives, they had to keep going to find those lost in that dangerous place.

"I don't care what you must do. You must find them all before something bad happens to them!"

"Understood, Your Highness!"

The people there also knew what kind of trouble would happen if they could not find any of them. Each of the search teams immediately headed back out in the pouring rain. Even if someone might lose their lives in such a dangerous place, they had to keep going because Melisa and Alister's lives were more important to the people in the palace.



"Melisa! Please answer me!"


Ever since Alister heard the news of Melisa's disappearance, the man felt he could think of nothing but finding the love of his life. Alister went straight to the area where Melisa disappeared after he heard the news. Then, even if it was raining heavily or others had told him to go back, Alister did not stop searching for Melisa's whereabouts in places where she might be.


The cliff road was slippery when it rained. Therefore, Alister had to be careful when he stepped in the place. Alister shouted loudly so that his voice would not be overpowered by the loud sound of the rain. The man continued to shout even if the possibility that Melisa would answer his call was slim.

As time passed, Alister could only feel that the rain was falling more and more heavily while lightning began to strike everywhere. The bad weather seemed to have forced Alister to stop looking for Melisa and go to a safe place. He had even gotten separated from the people who were supposed to take care of him. Alister walked alone in the night. Even so, he was not afraid because he felt that he was there to find and save Melisa.



As soon as Alister finished shouting, the classy sound of lightning was heard, followed by the rumbling sound of the cliff above Alister. The ground that began to tremble confirmed the bad feeling Alister had since he heard the thunder. In the darkness and heavy rain, the rumbling sound and trembling ground were truly frightening sights.


Alister was frustrated. He was frustrated at feeling weak for not being able to find Melisa as quickly as he could and frustrated when he thought of Melisa still waiting for his help out there. Alister wanted to continue his journey, even in such a dangerous situation. But he realized what the consequences would be if he continued to insist on going forward, especially when he was already separated from the rest of the search party.

"Damn it!"

Alister was not used to swearing. He was a well-mannered nobleman who would usually keep smiling even if his heart was overwhelmed by anger. But at that moment, Alister could not stop his mouth from uttering harsh words. Alister was overwhelmed by feelings of despair and guilt when he finally chose to go to a safe place before continuing his search.

Alister should have known that he should have returned before the rain became heavier. Alister had just taken a few steps when the sight in front of him made his heart stop instantly.

From a direction not far from where he was standing, Alister saw the ground carrying rocks and trees coming down at just the right speed, followed by the sound of thunder that made the scene even more terrifying.


Alister tried to run as fast as he could to avoid the landslide. Even if Alister had to fall and slip due to the slippery road several times, he continued to get up and run quickly to avoid the landslide.

Unfortunately, in the process of avoiding the danger, Alister was forced to lose the lighting device he was carrying in order to continue running to avoid the landslide. Alister ran in the pouring rain and darkness of the night. It was only when lightning once again struck and made the environment momentarily bright that Alister realized that a rock had fallen freely from the cliff and was flying right toward his body.


Although Alister was fortunate enough to be able to avoid his body being directly hit by the sizable rock, his hand which was too late to dodge was forced to collide directly with the rock. Alister felt that his bones were crushed instantly after being hit by the powerful blow. Alister also lost his balance due to the hard blow. Alister fell from the top of the cliff freely but was fortunate enough that he did not hit the ground directly and instead got caught on a tree branch that was big and strong enough to support his body.


The stinging pain from his body, especially his hand area, made it difficult for Alister to open his eyes for a while. The heavy raindrops mercilessly hit his body which was supported unsteadily by the tree branch that managed to save Alister's life. Alister tried to regulate his stuttering breathing for a while before he tried to keep an eye on the surroundings where he had fallen.

"... Is that?"

A glimmer of hope appeared in Alister's eyes when he saw the debris of the carriage scattered under the tree that supported his body. Every time lightning struck and illuminated the place for a few seconds, Alister gazed at the surroundings until he was completely convinced that he happened to fall at a location near where the carriage carrying Melisa most likely fell before him.

That kind of thought succeeded in restoring Alister's spirit which had been almost extinguished. Alister tried to check his body again before he prepared to climb down from the tree that supported him and continue his journey that finally had a clue.