Message From Brother-in-law

It was still too early for anyone to wake up. However, Alister, who was used to waking up early because of his duties, still woke up even though he had been free from those duties since his family was declared treasonous by the Sigmund Kingdom.

Alister woke up to find that Melisa was sleeping soundly while holding one of his hands. The view was too valuable to pass up. Alister observed it until he was satisfied before he gently placed Melisa's hand into a more comfortable position than wrapping her hand around his arm.

"Sleep well, I love you."

Alister gently kissed Melisa's forehead before he got up to start preparing. The Cyrille Kingdom was so considerate that Alister could find several new outfits in the wardrobe even though he had arrived not long ago. The clothes also had the right size on her body. Alister put it on, then went out to enjoy the morning in the Cyrille Kingdom.