New Life

After some time, Melisa and the others finally arrived in front of the Merchant Association Headquarters. When their carriage stopped, they felt like they could finally relax after experiencing great sadness about the separation.

"Your Highness, please stay in the carriage while I check the situation."

Perhaps because Teresa was too used to being careful about anything that concerned Melisa, even if she brought the tokens Zen had given her, she still chose to check their safety first. Melisa gave a short nod to allow Teresa to leave. Teresa bowed respectfully to Melisa, and then to Alister, who was sitting next to Melisa.

"Please wait a moment. I'll be back soon."

After that, Teresa immediately rushed into the large building in front of them. Melisa and Alister waited anxiously for Teresa's return. Luckily, they didn't worry for long because Teresa returned with a man not long after.