A Beautiful Lie

Late at night, when Alister finally arrived back at the Merchant Association Headquarters, he received a message saying that Melisa was worried to death because he came home late. Even Teresa had prepared to look for him. Alister sighed as he entered the headquarters while hiding the truth he had just heard.


As soon as Alister entered, he was immediately greeted by a tight hug from Melisa. Alister could feel that Melisa's body was shaking when she hugged him. Melisa was scared, and it all happened because Alister came home a little late that day.

"What happened? Why did you come home so late?"

Before they separated, Melisa was still calm and smiling as usual. But she returned to being a wary and frightened woman at this time. Her body couldn't stop shaking, and her voice sounded unsteady when she tried to speak.