The Execution

It feels like just a few days ago Melisa was in the crowd below, screaming the name of her husband, who was unjustly murdered. But today, he was sitting among the chairs of the royal family to watch Amelia's execution.

Melisa saw how the same crowd whispered to each other as they watched Amelia being brought to the podium with her dirty body. Her gaze was already empty when she was asked to kneel in front of an executioner. Amelia no longer has hope after Melisa forcibly took away the only thing that could make her talk about her secret.

"... How could she become like this..."

Next to her, Alexius muttered as if he was sad and disappointed with Amelia's decision. Melisa needed more effort to maintain her expression when she heard Alexius' words. Now Melisa was even more convinced that Alexius was stupid because she couldn't even understand the reason why Amelia was trying so hard to get rid of her.