The Coronation (Part 2)

Usually, the new King and Queen will hold a parade in the street to show their faces to the public. However, for the first time in a long time, the Sigmund Kingdom chose to skip that tradition due to the recent public death of King Dillion. The parade was replaced by a special festival for residents in the capital. Meanwhile, the gathered nobles attend a party held in the main palace.

"We congratulate His Majesty the King and Her Majesty the Queen. May health and prosperity always be with you. On this special time, please allow me to offer something to the sun and moon in this Kingdom."

For several hours, Melisa and Alexius could only sit on the throne while responding to the congratulations of the nobles who came bearing gifts. In the beginning, Melisa was still able to survive and pretended to smile to reply to their words. But as time went on, all Melisa could feel was disgust when she saw the nobles trying to curry favor with her as much as they could.