I'll Buy Him

Ariana was about to enter the area within the arena when she was stopped by two burly guards whose bodies were twice the size of Valencia's. Both of them were carrying weapons and had scary faces until Valencia unknowingly grabbed the hilt of her sword in an alert pose.

"Tell your boss that Ariana from Alison wants to talk to him."

Unlike Valencia, Ariana was very calm when she faced the two giants. One thing she knew from a place like this. This arena was also used to sell slaves as fighters for noble families. If she carried her surname, it was unlikely that the person in charge would ignore her. Even though her family is currently disliked by most nobles, her status as the only granddaughter of a duke still makes Ariana feared by many. Moreover, the person in charge was only a Baron, so he definitely wouldn't refuse any of Ariana's orders.

"Please come in."