As the golem skitted backwards rio again rushed towards the golem while dodging its punch and he kicked the golem multiple times as it cracked its stone armor.
Rio jumped up came back while dodging the punch of golem as it punched itself in the chest as it got up and said special skill power flash as it started flash and attacked rio with its sword.
The skill the golem incredibly fast as rio couldn't dodged as he was cut on his chest. Watch out rio tia said as she ran forward towards him but tripped as she touched the tower which made it glow. When the golem saw this it went towards tia.
Rio saw the golem going towards Tia as he got up and used his full raw speed and got infront of tia taking a fighting stance against the golem. The golem came infront of tia and Rio as it knelt down and said welcome back princess.
The words of the golem astounded the two as rio asked who. The golem replied the princess of the kingdom of spades I welcome you to your kingdom as it bow down.
You must be mistaken I am not no princess of any kingdom said tia as the golem replied no princess this tower is binded by many rune and seal which can only be lifted by the person who has the blood of the main line of royal family of spades and the rune has recognized you as the one who has the blood of the royal family.
I am very guilty for attacking you and your friend what punishment would you give me I will happily accept it said the golem as it looked towards tia. Tia was bewildered as she was thinking of what to say.
No no its okay you don't need to bow down and accept any punishment said tia.