Chapter 152

Helmut knew one fact: Darien was hostile towards the temple. He aligned with the King's position, which was perhaps even more influential.

'For the First Prince, it would have been advantageous to eliminate Darien due to their conflicting interests.'

One side preserves its position as the heir, while the other gains the position of the Palma Knight Commander.

Consistently, the information from both sides discussed the friendly relationship between the Palma Knight Commander and the First Prince, leaving no room for doubt.

Helmut, noticing Mihail seemed uncomfortable on the sofa, asked,

"Does the Palma Knights' support significantly influence the succession?"

"Having their support would be advantageous. However, the First Prince's reputation isn't great in Basor, partly because he's half-foreign and doesn't behave like a typical Basorian, so it's not absolute."

"What about the possibility of the First Prince usurping the throne?"

"The Palma Knights have sworn loyalty to the king. They wouldn't support a usurpation. However,"

Mihail emphasized,

"If the First and Second Princes were to fight a war of succession, the side backed by the Palma Knights would undoubtedly have an advantage. It's unlikely to happen while the king is alive, but if the king names the Second Prince as his heir and then passes away, the story might be different."

The throne vacated. In the absence of a king, the Palma Knights could choose any side. That choice would rest with the Knight Commander.

"The Knight Commander has controlled the knights for over 20 years. After the king's death, if he were to make an extreme move, most would likely follow."

Betraying Darien to seize the position of Knight Commander, it felt odd that such a person could be well-regarded.

Luke seemed to agree he was a formidable knight. However, the knights' perspective differed from others'.

Helmut decided to trust Mihail's judgment.

"What's your take on him?"

"The Palma Knight Commander seems less rigid and stubborn than expected. He seemed like someone who watches the mood of the times. If he really supports the First Prince, he could've just persuaded the king directly. But even as Knight Commander, he can't openly support the unpopular First Prince among the knights. Still, his continued support for the First Prince, the king's eldest, suggests some sort of deal between them."

Mihail sharply probed with a smile.

Helmut thought even Alea, who considered his peers foolish, couldn't deny this guy's intelligence.

"How is the position of Knight Commander determined?"

"The Palma Knights represent Basor. They follow Basor's laws,"

Mihail stated firmly.

"The strongest among the Palma becomes the Knight Commander."

"So if someone defeats Lutus Cicero, they could become Knight Commander?"

"Only if the position is vacant. In Palma, unless there's a significant fault, once someone becomes Knight Commander, they remain so until the end."

The position of Knight Commander, to be contested over 20 years later. Was it too impatient to wait for such an opportunity?

Lutus Cicero's decision to eliminate Darien when he was the next strongest wasn't unreasonable. There might be other reasons, but,

'The conclusion is Lutus Cicero betrayed Darien, and the First Prince was involved.'

The temple's involvement meant the First Prince couldn't be separated from this matter.

The king likely didn't know. If he did, he would have dismissed the First Prince and named the Second Prince as his heir.

Helmut wondered, representing the perspective of an imperial noble,

"Which would be better for you? The First or Second Prince ascending the throne?"

"I have no interest in Basor's political issues. Despite his age, the king of Basor is still competent. It's not a concern for the next few years."

Mihail concluded calmly,

"But from Basor's perspective, the Second Prince would be preferable, while from foreign perspectives, the First Prince ascending the throne would be better. The Second Prince is recognized as a worthy heir."


Helmut started to say something but stopped. Mihail, who readily provided what he sought, suddenly seemed incredibly kind and favorable.

Like Alea, intelligent, knowledgeable, and unhesitant to share. A person whose worth couldn't be compensated with money.

Helmut found the words,

"I'll allow it once. Within reason."

Meaning, even if Mihail wronged him or sought help, he'd overlook it or assist, applicable both minorly and significantly. That was the best Helmut could offer him now.

Mihail responded with an ambiguous smile,

"I'll remember that."


On stage, Helmut eyed the First Prince, who was stroking his groomed mustache. From the stands, despite the distance, the prince was clearly visible.

The First Prince, a man in his mid-fifties, was one of the king's later children in a lineage lacking heirs.

Beside him stood the Second Prince, appearing about a decade younger.

The Second Prince, being 5 years younger, seemed more mature in comparison. More physically fit than the First Prince, his decisive nature shone through his clear eyes, contrasting sharply with the First Prince, who seemed shallow and thin.

Given the choice between the two princes as heirs, anyone would likely choose the Second Prince.

'Even the Palma Knight Commander must have some conscience.'

Despite any agreements, the Palma Knight Commander couldn't openly support the First Prince, potentially detrimental to Basor.

"Since high-ranking individuals are watching, give it your all."

His opponent, seemingly sympathetic, was a young, robust knight in his mid-20s.

Knowing he was facing a Palma Knight, Helmut wasn't impressed, even though the knight confidently wore his uniform. Perhaps the Knight Commander's recruitment offer wasn't widely known.

'Luke Cicero, more discreet than expected.'

"Are you related to the Palma Knight Commander?"

"He's my distant uncle."

An unfamiliar term, but it implied some familial relation.

'But that attitude is displeasing.'

Displeased, Helmut subtly smiled.

"How do you compare to Luke Cicero? To me, he seems superior."

Horten's expression darkened. Touched on his pride, anger flashed in his eyes, and he exclaimed,

"Find out for yourself!"


The match began. Horten's sword gleamed with orange Vis, unique to each individual's temperament.

Helmut also summoned his Vis, a darker, ash-gray shade, slightly deeper than before. He didn't usually reveal it, but in Basor, far from the temple's influence, it seemed safe. Unveiling Vis was necessary against this opponent, especially fueled by anger.

'Is there a rivalry with Luke?'

If so, it made things easier. Helmut could comfortably view him as an enemy.

Horten's orange Vis-charged sword rushed forward.

Helmut, sliding like a shadow, met the attack. As their Vis-clad swords clashed, a fierce battle ensued.

Helmut found the winning strategy. Though weaker in physique, his smaller size and focused Vis compensated, granting him a sharp advantage.

Seizing a moment, Helmut struck Horten's wrist forcefully, causing him to groan. Exploiting this, Helmut pressed on, finally subduing Horten.

"I concede," Horten admitted after a tense stand-off, greeted by roaring applause from the audience.


"Hey, you're quite something. Horten is a rising star in the Palma Knights."

"Have you decided to wait here every time?"

In a shaded area near the waiting space, Luke seemed to have been there for a while. His match was supposed to be later.

"Who said I was waiting for you?"

Luke denied, claiming a good view of the stage as his excuse.

"Your next opponent seems easy."

Luke had previously defeated a Palma Knight with ease.

"Well, someone I happened to see during the preliminaries."

Luke shrugged as Horten, just descending from the stage, passed by, ignoring Luke's attempt at greeting – a clear snub.

Helmut commented on Horten's evident disdain for Luke.

"Seems like you two don't get along."

"Something like that. I'm a foreigner here. It takes time to be accepted."

Luke seemed to defend his fellow knight.

'But there's more to it.'

Given Luke's youth, foreign origin, and superior skills, it's understandable Horten found him objectionable.

"Seems he doesn't know about that."

That Luke Cicero was the great-grandson of the Sword Saint. Luke caught on immediately.

"Right. Except for the Knight Commander, it's a secret within our knight order. Only a few at the top know. The king is aware, though."

Luke frowned.

"And you, some unknown from a foreign land, know this secret? What are you up to?"

"I said I'd tell you when the time comes."

"I'm dying of curiosity here!"

Can curiosity actually shorten one's lifespan? Unsure of this new information, Helmut seriously replied,

"That would be unfortunate."

"…Enough! Anyway, well done."

Luke lightly patted Helmut's shoulder.