Chapter 10: I need a change of pace!

[Part 01: If there is a problem that common VIOLENCE could not solve?! Then apply another application of the Dao of violence!]

I returned home by apparating as close as possible to Prince Manor, seething with anger every step of the way, as I walked the rest of the way to the Manor's entrance. The sheer level of audacity of that inbred couple, and the revelations about my family dynamics, had me boiling with rage. 

No! Fuck that, rage is an understatement for what I am feeling!

It was clear that my grandfather's first two lessons were proving themselves to be true.

'Never underestimate Magic! And always assume that a Pure-Blood is gonna screw me over!' I mentally recited.

I don't know how or what they did to mess with my mother, but I now know they did something, and I will find out what exactly they have done.

Furthermore, I am also now aware that these Pure-Bloods are begging to get fucked, but I need to be smart about it! I will pick them one at a time, just like how a predator hunts down his prey!

Even despite all my fury, I knew I wasn't strong enough to take them all on if they're banded together, not yet at least. I took a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself down before I exploded.

As soon as I entered the manor, I saw my grandfather standing there with a shit eating grin that stretched from ear to ear.

"What's so funny, old man?" I snapped, my irritation evident in my voice.

"Old man? Oh, it seems like the evening didn't go as planned!" he replied, his grin widening even further, now in schadenfreude.

"No, it most certainly did not," I growled.

"Well, well, I was expecting you to come back with a spring in your step and a sparkle in your eye! Telling me how you've got your small dick wet," he chuckled. "But it seems like you've got a different kind of fire burning inside you."

"The evening did not play out as I expected it to, and I was about to lose control and do something I would regret immensely," I admitted, my frustration evident.

"Ah, in that case, I think a late-night drink is in order," he declared, snapping his fingers to summon a house-elf.

Half an hour later, my grandfather's demeanour mirrored my own simmering anger, though he managed to maintain his composure much better than me. Seems like old age has a benefit of making you more tolerant towards frustration.

"You did well to restrain yourself. Attacking them then and there would have been disastrous. At best, you'd be looking at a lengthy stay in Azkaban. At worst, the Dementor's Kiss," he remarked, taking a sip of his wine.

"And what of it?" I retorted bitterly. "I know I can't kill them in their own house. Besides, simple death wouldn't satisfy me. I want them to suffer."

"Do you have a plan, or do you need my help to brainstorm one?" he inquired.

"No, I'll handle it," I replied, feeling a sense of determination stirring within me. "All I require is some funding and assistance to get things started. I'll tear down everything they hold dear."

"Very well. But don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it. You know I'll always have your back," he reassured me, squeezing my shoulder firmly.

"I appreciate that, Gramps." I acknowledged before excusing myself and retiring to my room.

As I turned to leave the study, something flew towards me and I instinctively caught it. Upon opening my palm, I discovered it was a ring – the Heir Ring of House Prince.

"I wanted to wait before I gave it to you, but seeing your mental fortitude to hold yourself back proves you are worthy of House Prince. A true royal knows when and where to act!" my grandfather declared, his voice tinged with pride and a hint of nostalgia, as if reminiscing about something else.

"Thanks. I will wear it proudly." I declare, as I turn and leave the old man to his musings.

Once in my own room, I shed my party attire in place of something more comfortable before settling down at my desk with a piece of parchment.

"If they want to treat me like a bitch, then I'll play the game like a fucking bitch," I thought to myself, a steely resolve settling over me. I may not relish the idea of stooping to their level, but I've been in enough school yard battles to know how the game is played.

A little rumour here, a mean word there, a bit of bullying, and suddenly you have a powder keg ready to explode.

It's a bit like that saying in Game of Thrones: "When you play the Game of Thrones, you win, or you die. There is no middle ground." And these moronic inbreeds have definitely challenged me into playing the game. A game I now fully intend to enter as a player, and win so hard that they'll spit blood, like in those Chinese Wuxia novels.

I will make them cry like all people who have ever played Monopoly, and ended up in someone else's field with Hotels on it!!!

I will make them cry even harder than Will Smith does, when he realizes how dumb his wife sounds when she says Egyptians, aka Cleopatra, were Black!!

My original plan may have been to bide my time and swoop in at the end, but circumstances have developed, and I'm willing to adapt myself.

I drafted a letter to Arcturus Black, assumingly and hopefully, the only other male Black besides Regulus that is not a complete and utter asshole.

Lord Arcturus Black,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to you regarding a matter of utmost importance concerning your family.

During a recent gathering at the Black Manor, a little bird of mine inadvertently overheard discussions that raised serious concerns about the well-being and integrity of House Black. It appears that there are individuals within your family who are plotting against you and may have ulterior motives that could jeopardize the stability and reputation of the House.

While I understand that this may come as a shock, I felt it imperative to bring this information to your attention, as it could have significant ramifications if left unaddressed. I do not expect you to take my word for it, but I urge you to remain vigilant and cautious in your dealings with certain family members.

I cannot disclose the specifics of what my little bird has overheard, but I assure you that I have your family's best interests at heart. At a suitable time in the future, I would be willing to meet with you in person to discuss this matter further and provide any additional information that may be helpful.

In the meantime, I implore you to trust your instincts and take whatever precautions you deem necessary to protect yourself and the legacy of House Black. 

Yours sincerely,

The Big Bad Wolf

'Hopefully, the old man is not a complete and utter retard!' I mused, I mean in the books he favoured Sirius, and this shows that he is an idiot, but I can hope, right?

I made it clear that I didn't need him to believe me, but rather to remain vigilant, as his demise would spell trouble for all of Magical Britain. Likewise, I hinted at a future encounter, under hopefully more favourable circumstances. This should alleviate the man's worries at least somewhat.

Turning my attention to my grandfather, I compiled a list of what I needed from him before preparing myself to embark on a completely different mission altogether. Donning attire more suited to the modern world and the anonymity it afforded, I readied myself to venture out and set my plans into motion in the Muggle World.

The first thing one needs to fight a war is neither an army nor soldiers, it is money! 

And I need enough money to contest with all the Pure-Bloods combined!

"In two years, I'll be ready to claim Britain for myself," I declared to the empty room, feeling a surge of determination.

Casting spells within a city is problematic, and draws the attention of Aurors in a heartbeat, while casting magic out in the wilderness offers a cloak of anonymity.

'The damn Aurors, react like bloodhound whenever magic is practiced in the vincinity of humans!' I cursed annoyed. Meaning I cannot just whip out my wayn and use magic on Muggles as the government will jump in, and stop me from doing what I want to achieve!

So, I thought about the best approach to achieve my goals, and I cannot help myself but smirk.

I instructed my house-elves, Nr. One to Five, to discreetly observe police stations, seeking out officers suitable for my purposes. Meanwhile, I took a leisurely stroll through the nocturnal streets of London, contemplating my next move.

You see a wishing for a Map was the most brilliant stroke of genius I have ever shown! Because just walking around and looking at my map, I can see who has bad intentions towards me, as they marked in red on the map, and all I need to do is bait them. 

Just how Shaco is always baiting me into his fucking boxes! I hate and love Shaco!

My objective? To make contact with a particular breed of human degeneracy, individuals that are not well liked, but ever present: fascinating to be around, yet undeniably dangerous— the common criminal.

I found myself strolling the streets, like some cheap whore, contemplating my unconventional approach of making contact with criminals. The idea is pretty simple bait them into mugging me, next beat them up, and finally, make them spill information.

After about half an hour, I managed to bait two idiots into following me into an alley, and I heard a voice behind me. "Hey friend, are you lost?" It was exactly what I'd been waiting for.

Turning around, I spotted two individuals who bore a striking resemblance to the bumbling burglars from that movie where they failed to take down a kid left home alone. Suppressing a grin, I replied, "Ah yes, I am looking for some people, and I think I just found them!"

"Great!" one of them chimed in, as he took th elead to walk further into the empty alleyway. While his collegue positioned himself behind me to cut off my escape route.

Once we were inside, the one behind me brandished a knife, menacingly demanding, "Hand over what you have on you, kiddo!"

I couldn't help but interject. "Has that ever worked for you?" I quipped.

Before he could finish his sentence, I closed the distance between us in a flash. With one hand, I lifted the motherfucker into the air, while using the other to incapacitate him by breaking his wrist, which is surprisingly easy.

"Shush!" I warned his companion, who stood frozen in shock with no way to escape, but to pass me.

Turning my attention back to them, I addressed the pair with a calm yet menacing demeanor. "Gentlemen, I've had a rather unpleasant evening, and I'm in the mood to let off some steam. But I also need information, and I only need one of you. So, whoever talks gets to see the sun rising."

With a swift motion, I tossed the one with the broken wrist against the wall further into the alley, like a sack of potatoes. But this made me pondering why one would throw potatoes – innocent and delicious as they are.

"So, who are the big bosses around here? What are they involved in? And how can I contact them?" I demanded, fixing them with a steely gaze.

Half an hour later I left the alley a bit richer, and the world a bit cleaner, as I offed them both. No better way to keep someone from spilling what he should not, than breaking his neck.


Greetings, everyone! 

Gimme them Power Stones pretty please! The story is falling in the Rankings, and this is demotivating me. Also, if you're inclined to support my caffeine addiction, please consider lending a hand!

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