Chapter 13: Suck my mighty DICK! Part 2

[Part 02: My mighty Dick, is not mighty enough yet!]

I arrived back home late in the evening, having postponed a few tasks in order to savour my time at the Cullen's place.

'Home?' I mused with a contented smile.

Just a few short weeks ago, Prince Manor was unfamiliar territory to me. Now, it's not just a residence; it's where I belong, and I've even ascended to the position of the family heir.

'What a plot twist,' I thought as I headed towards Gramps' study.

I barged in without knocking, announcing my return with a cheerful "Gramps, I'm back!"—a decision I immediately wished I hadn't made.

The sight that greeted me was… unpleasant, to say the least. There was Gramps, engaged in… intimate activities with a woman, his old wrinkly ass on full display, moving up and down.

'Fuck! I will have nightmares for sure after having seen this.' I think in disgust.

"For heaven's sake! Have you never heard of knocking?!" Gramps roared angrily, while the woman beside him attempted to conceal her embarrassment, albeit with little urgency, and an amused smirk on her lips.

"Don't blame me! You're the one who leaves the door unlocked during your private time, old man!" I retorted, struggling to erase the disturbing image from my mind.

'Well, there goes any sense of feeling at home in this place,' I lamented inwardly.

"Brat! You're in for a serious thrashing!" Gramps threatened, reaching for his wand, which flew into his hand.

"How did you do that?!" I demanded, wanting to know how he pulled a Thor, but suddenly my hair is standing up, and I spring to the side, dodging as the door exploded into splinters.

"Isn't this overkill?! All I did was to see your wrinkly ass?! No need to kill me!" I shout while hiding behind the furniture.

"Stay put, Sev! Consider it a lesson for disturbing my peace!" Gramps growled, his tone sending shivers down my spine.

"Gramps, please, let's talk this through!" I pleaded, but it was clear he was in no mood for discussion.

'What's got him so worked up?' I wondered, darting away to evade his wrath, as pieces of furniture got destroyed by the old man with wrinkly ass.

"Reg, it's fine! He would have found out eventually. At least now, we can be honest," the woman reassured Gramps.


"Are you sure, darling?!" Gramps questions the woman, who nods.

"Severus, meet your grandmother, Lady Catherine Prince," Gramps introduced her with a defeated air, gesturing towards the woman.

"Huh?!" I spluttered in disbelief.

"Brat, has no one taught you any manners at all?!" the old man asks, annoyed with a threatening tone.

"How?" I pressed Gramps for an explanation instead of addressing the remark about my manners.

"Magic," he replied tersely, avoiding my gaze.

"How?!" I repeated, exasperated.


"Allow me to provide a little more information," Lady Catherine intervened.

"I don't care who explains, as long as I get some answers!" I interjected.

"Your family, like all Pureblood families, has sought creative ways to defy death. After all, the power to alter reality inevitably leads to a desire to preserve loved ones or avoid departing from the world," she clarified.

"And what method did Gramps use to make the seemingly impossible act of resurrection possible?! How did he cheat death?!" I replied, incredulous.

'I mean sure, the old man has an insane level of mastery, and our family magic is broken as fuck! But resurrection?! That should not be possible! No one can cheat death! Not even the Peverell Brothers were able to, and they came as close as possible to it.' I think to myself.

"No, he did not cheat death. But your foolish grandfather," she began explaining, earning a disapproving glance from Gramps himself, "made a pact with a god."

"What?!" I question.

'Well, I am aware that gods exist, having been sent to this world by one, but the idea of making pacts with them.' I thought shell shocked.

'What is this?! Is this some shitty revelation week?! One big ass revelation after the other, and all of them just keep getting stranger, and stranger!' I thought, feeling increasingly perplexed, and seriously doubting my sanity.

"How?! Why?! How?!" I questioned them both.

"Okay, enough! Let us move to my study. My old bones cannot go on without sitting down for the lengthy explanation the brat is sure to demand of us..." my grandfather replied as he turned around and moved towards his study, where he waved his wand and repaired the broken door.

Seconds later, I found myself sitting in an armchair in front of my grandparents, waiting to hear the explanation for her not being dead.

"Okay, listen up, brat. Gods are real! I know it's shocking, but it is what it is!" My grandpa stated.

"What?! How?!" I ask him.

"Darling! Give the boy a proper explanation!" The lady says annoyed and amused at our interaction.

"You do it! I cannot deal with the brat right now! Just seeing his face makes me want to punch him!" Gramps says annoyed.


"Men never grow up!" she says before turning back to me.

"Severus, allow me to explain it in detail. First, you need to know that all witches and wizards are descendants of Hecate, or more accurately, the descendants of her descendants!" she says.

"Hecate?! As in the Greek goddess Hecate?! You are kidding me, right?!" I questioned them both incredulously.

"Yes, she is our mother, and no, I am not kidding you!" She said, amused.

"But why isn't this common knowledge?" I asked the question, though I could already speculate why this knowledge is best kept hidden or away from the plebs.

"Well, one reason would be that it has absolutely no benefit in having everyone know, and the other would be to maintain control over people with too much ambition. Finally, the most important reason would be that gods stopped mingling with mortals a long time ago, and they even placed rules upon themselves to stay away," she explained while sipping wine that grandfather handed her.

"But why did they stop mingling with humans?" I pressed further.

'What the heck is going on? Come on, explain faster!' I think as I see her lazily drink her wine.

"Well, it is complicated. Their varying escapades throughout history created nothing but problems and tragedy, both for themselves and for us mortals alike. Eventually, it got so bad that the first god fell to a demigod, marking a key point in history!" She said with an uncertain tone.

"How?" I questioned her.

"Ascension! A demigod found a possible way to ascend to godhood, replacing another god, and creating a dangerous precedence. If Demigods can ascend, they can also fall eventually, and so the gods collectively retreated. Some say in fear, others say to see if we can repeat the feat again, or if it was just a lucky shot, and some say the whole story is a hoax. But one fact is true though! Through certain rituals, we can engage in pacts with beings that are way more powerful than ourselves," she explained.

"And I assume that grandfather, in his inestimable genius, decided to forge such a pact through a ritual, right?" I asked sarcastically.

'Fucking old man and his stupid ass love for rituals!' I think annoyed.

*Teeth grinding*

"Fuckin' rude brat!" I hear the old man saying annoyed.

"Usually these gods ignore us, or commend us for our meagre achievements. However, if we have something to offer that piques their interest, something worthwhile their time and attention, they'll go as far as to offer a pact," my grandmother reiterated with a heavy heart, while ignoring the old man's rude remark.

"What did you offer?" I asked the old man.

"My soul to Hades in exchange for being able to call on your grandmother at any time and for any duration I want from the afterlife, and that she should be alive while summoned!" he answered as if that was not a worrying fact at all.

"Is that all?!" I question the man because I feel he is hiding something.

"No, while I am here. I basically live through him." My grandmother says.

"Your soul to the lord of hell?" I kept myself from shouting.

"What about it?" he questioned nonchalantly.

"Gramps, are you an idiot?" I ask him.

"No, I am not! With our family magic and as a wizard, I will easily live up to at least 400 to 600 years! Divided by two, I will still live 200 to 300 years minimum, and I could not live that long alone without her by my side," he said.

"You fool," my grandmother said, though there was no fire in her voice.


'Love. The guaranteed reason why humans do insane shit and think their idiocy is justified.' I cursed mentally.

"What a bleak day for mankind, if I am the sanest human inside a room," I said, annoyed.

"Did you say something?" Gramps asked me.

"No, nothing." I reply as I lean back, trying to take in the newest addition of insane shit that I am confronted with.

'So, gods are a thing?!' I muse silently to myself, this revelation barely makes me forget the old man's wrinkly ass, but not completely.


Greetings, everyone!

Sorry for the delay! I've been ill for the last few days and was coughing out my lungs.

As always on the agenda is, "I Expecto Power Stones!" Help me keep the story in the top 50 Power rankings, please. (BTW, we are failing to stay in the Top 50!! If you do not like the story, just tell me to drop it!) Too many ChatGPT stories are flooding the site, or just stories that suck to read due to grammar. I know my story is not perfect either, but I'm definitely better than what's ranked above it.

Finally, if you're inclined to support my caffeine addiction, please consider lending a dollar!

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Currently, I am three chapters ahead, but I will try to be five chapters ahead by the end of April. Coming up with a concept that hasn't already been used a zillion times is kinda hard!