Chapter 19: I cannot be bothered. Part 2

[Flashback Number Three!]

One of my personal highlights came after I had to deal with that little fucker, Gaap.

I was done for the day, extremely pissed off at having achieved barely anything besides gathering information about the creepy blowjob enticement.

Well, I do sometimes wonder if I have some loose screws. Maybe I do. Possibly I do not. I do not know for sure.

I don't remember much or anything about my last life. What kind of person was I before I ended up here?

I don't have a clear answer, but I think I was quite an interesting person, albeit extremely disappointed and angry at the world.

Anyway, as I was making my way to the Slytherin common room to enjoy my favourite pastime of humiliating Malfoy in front of his minions, I saw that four red dots popped up on my map.

And I only know four idiots who move as a group, gang up on people, and are self-entitled enough to think that they've a reason to come after me.

"Seriously?! I gave up on that bitch Potter wanted, and they still cannot leave me the fuck alone?" I thought, annoyed.

Not only that, but I mean, sure, I did beat them up, pissed on Black, and decided not to help Remus, but everything I did is totally justified, isn't it?

They got beaten up for being bullies and assholes. I pissed on the guy who loves to belittle and humiliate others to give him a taste of his own, or rather my own brand of medicine. I didn't help Remus because I have no incentive to do so. Like, why would I go out of my way to help a dude that is part of the group of assholes that have been bullying me for half a decade?! Like, how insane is even that assumption?!


"Why am I being punished with having to endure these bastards' hormonal shenanigans?" I questioned the world.

I was neither in the mood nor did I have the mental capacity to endure the aftermath that will most certainly come if I clap their cheeks again.

Furthermore, I have other much more important things to take care of, than playing with these imbeciles.

Things including, but not limited to, my education, my growing empire, getting all the girls I want, becoming the disciple of the Founders, and preparing for a war that is about to come.

'I don't want any harem, but I will most certainly use my youth to mess around before I settle.' I think with a dirty smirk.

These morons are literally not even making it onto my list of things I need to take care of.

So, I changed direction and moved towards another path that leads to the Slytherin common room, albeit it takes a bit longer. I saw the red dots rushing to intercept me at another point.

"Oh, so they've already got the map and are using it?" I said, amused.

"Might as well take it off their hands just to have my peace," I said after a moment of silence.

[Sirius Black POV]

While I'm waiting with the boys for that bastard to walk into our trap, I can't help but feel excited at the thought of pissing on him. Ever since the werewolf incident where he survived, we've been on the back foot in every encounter. Sure, we started antagonizing him because he couldn't stay away from Prongs's girl, but it was also fun to put him in his place.

He thinks just because he's cunning and smart, he's entitled to something, but that's not how life works. I thought we had broken him when Moony bit him, finally showing him that he's nothing to us, but then he goes and solves the problem, finding the solution to Lycanthropy. I'll never admit it openly, but that's impressive. I know how long the problem has been around, but he solved it.

Naturally, the boys and I wanted that for our friend Moony too, but the little shit would never have disclosed it to us, considering our interactions. Vengeful as he is, we had to go to Dumbledore to give him some incentive to share his knowledge with us.


And then that motherfucker's mother fucking grandfather comes in. I knew Snivellus was a little deranged, but now I know where he got it from. That old goat fucker transfigured me into a god-damn puddle. For weeks now, I've had to endure endless teasing and humiliation. If I don't get vengeance, I'll ask gramps for help! If the little bastard gets his family involved, so will I!

"Padfoot, he's changed his path!" Prongs suddenly interrupts my musings.

"Huh?!" I barely manage.

"The little shithead changed his path!" Prongs repeats.

"Fuck! We need to intercept him," I reply.

"Okay, let's go to point B," Prongs says, and we hurry to intercept the bastard.

Just as we're about to reach point B, Prongs checks the map and says, "Fuck! He's changed his path again and is now taking a whole other route. We need to move to point C, hurry up!"

For around two hours the bastard had us run all over the school, and eventually he still managed to get past us.

"How?!" Remus asks incredulously. After all, with the map in our hands, it ought to be impossible to outmanoeuvre us.

"Why?" Prongs added, showing that he has a much more in-depth understanding of his once love rival.

"Because he is a pussy! He knows that he is on thin ice with Dumbledore backing us!" Pettigrew says trying to sound important.

"We need a plan. If he's going to do this, we'll have to set multiple traps to get him. He's always either in the library or Morgana knows where, and we can only get him if he's alone." I reply, annoyed at about everything that did not go according to plan tonight.

Our recent fights have shown that we're no match for him in a straightforward fight any more. I hate to admit it, but the little bastard is a solid fighter. Even before, we required at least two people to take him down, but now? Now it's a hassle to fight him straightforward.

We need to strike him down, humiliate him, and retreat without it leading back to us, as we're already on thin ice, so to speak. Dumbledore has warned us to leave him alone, as his grandfather is influential and can't help us like before. But hell will freeze over before we take it lying down and get humbled by the little shithead.

"I think we need to divide up. At least this way, one of us can hold him in place before the rest attack him," Wormtail suggests.

Say what you want about Wormtail, but he's a cunning son of a bitch when it counts, always having an idea of how to screw people over from behind.


Greetings, everyone and Accio Power Stones!!!!

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Finally, I am now 10+ chapters ahead, and more than 20k words ahead. Now, I aim to stay at least ten chapters ahead of webnovel.