Only Hope

At Helion Encampment led by Commander Ross, the night continued as everyone celebrated their victories.

"Here she is, Commander - properly cleaned and prepared as you requested," the female soldier announced as she marched inside the commander's tent and pushed Tarah toward the mattress.

From there, the naked commander ogled her from head to toe with his lustful eyes.

"This is good," the commander stated with menace, his mouth drooling as he gazed at her with his horrendous eyes. "Go and leave now."

Tarah gritted her teeth as the man pulled her closer to him, tearing off her clothes wherever he pleased.

"That piercing azure gaze of yours sure is something," the commander boasted. "I will keep you all to myself!"

Tarah couldn't help but smirk, making the commander stop.

"Death…" she stated. The word hung in the air, laden with a mix of defiance and assurance

"Oh, right. You like cursing, huh? Didn't you say the same thing to Sibil?" the commander chuckled, not taking her words seriously like before.

Blinking, Tarah looked at him with her icy cold blue eyes as she firmly stated, "Death is coming to you, NOW." 

"What?!" the commander roared.

Tarah then quickly pushed him away with all her might, and before he could comprehend her words, a man in golden armor entered the tent. His eyes blazed with fire and fury, and murderous intent flooded his eyes.

'That's him,' Tarah thought as her eyes lingered on the man who had been invading her dreams and visions for a very long time… Ezekiel Ward, the Prince of Ebodia and the future Dragon King.

Their eyes met, and she saw how his eyes narrowed and his face darkened. His dangerous gaze then quickly dragged itself toward the commander not far from her. 

Still, the prince approached her and swiftly moved to pull her behind him. With a growl, he ordered, "Hide yourself."

She did as she was asked, and she watched everything else unfold before her.

"Y-You…" the commander muttered, clearly taken aback by the abrupt intrusion. "What're you-" 

"We've come to avenge our people," Ezekiel solemnly declared, not allowing the commander to even finish his sentence. "You've killed quite a few important men recently, and Ebodia won't stand for that."

Tarah gulped as she weakly murmured, "It's finally happening…"

'Whatever will happen to your life is not fate, but the choices you made in the end…' That was one of the few words of wisdom her father gave her that she took to heart without fail.

It served as a reminder whenever she made important decisions in her life - just like when she made the important decision to involve the prince of Ebodia in her affairs. 

After all, he was her only hope…


Ezekiel's jaw clenched the moment he entered. He didn't expect the scene before him.

He stood dazed staring at the beautiful woman whose icy blue eyes met his, their cold and winter-like brilliance somehow giving him chills. It also gave contrast to her black hair, her locks flowing as sweetly as a poet's ink and quill.

She was shackled and her clothes were ripped off, a sight that pierced straight through his heart as he narrowed his eyes. His dangerous gaze quickly dragged itself towards the naked man not far from her, a cold fury brewing within him as he walked forward. 

As the prince approached, the naked commander cursed as his eyes quickly darted to his sword. However, it was quite far from his reach, and Ezekiel swiftly moved to pull the woman behind his back before the commander could properly defend himself. 

With a growl, he ordered the woman, "Hide yourself."

"Y-You… What're you-" murmured the commander, who was obviously taken aback by the abrupt intrusion. 

"We've come to avenge our people," Ezekiel dimly declared, not allowing the commander to even finish his sentence. "You've killed quite a few important men recently, and Ebodia won't stand for that."

As if recognizing his words, the commander seemingly took on a smug tone as he taunted, "W-what? Do you mean those idiots that were retreating back to that puny kingdom of yours? We weren't even trying when I gave out the order to ambush them! What a joke of a-"

"So it was you?!" Ezekiel shouted out, having pieced together the fact that the man in front of him was the one who gave out the orders that killed their kingdom's Seer Beirut who was also like a father to him. "You killed Beirut?!"

"I-I don't even know who that is!" the commander shakily mocked. "All I know is that we killed some weak humans who didn't even put up a fight!"

Ezekiel saw red as he marched towards the cowering commander. Raising his sword, he was just about to bring it down when he stopped just before he made contact. His eyes burned as he leaned forward, venom dripping from his tone as he whispered, "You didn't put up a fight either."


With a flick of his wrist, Ezekiel beheaded the commander, watching in satisfaction as it rolled onto his feet. 

"That's for Beirut, you coward."

Flicking the blood off his sword, Ezekiel sheathed his weapon when a telltale silence settled throughout the camp. The fighting was over, and they had easily won.

He looked at the woman who met his stare without even a hint of fear. Approaching her, he put on his coat to her and then removed her shackles as he said, "You're free now."

He didn't give her a second look as he turned his back. 

That woman possessed icy blue eyes. Even though she didn't completely match Beirut's description with her black, wavy hair, Ezekiel wouldn't still take the risk. He was given a warning by their former Seer, and he would do his best to not ignore it.