
'Everything's fine. It's just a nightmare…'

The few comforting words that Ezekiel whispered to Tarah kept replaying inside her head while she stared at his back. 

'Everything isn't fine,' she thought as she painfully bit down on her lower lip. 'It's not a nightmare, but a hellish experience that will haunt me endlessly.'

Tarah bit her lower lip in an attempt to stop herself from recalling the haunting memories three years ago, just a week after her ability as a Seer was awakened. 

She rapidly blinked, attempting to stifle the flood of emotions threatening to engulf her. The details of that fateful event loomed upon her like a shadow, an indelible mark on her soul. Tarah's heart clenched. Years have passed, yet the pain was still raw, and the wounds had yet to fully heal. 

Tears uncontrollably welled in Tarah's eyes as she did her best to rein her emotions. She thought that she already cried for long enough the past three years, but it seemed like all the tears she shed were still not enough.

Closing her eyes, she tried her best to calm herself. She felt comforted and secure around Ezekiel, and watching him leave her like that gave her the strong urge to go and run toward him to stop him. 

After some moments, she was finally calm and composed. But her heart was beating rapidly from how Prince Ezekiel comforted her and gently touched her cheek a while ago. It felt warm and secure, but she instantly knew that she shouldn't get swayed by unnecessary emotions like this since they wouldn't save her or her brother. 

Shaking her head, Tarah finally got up from the bed. It was then that Cora entered with a tray. 

"Milady, I brought some calming tea with me," Cora stated. "Here, have some."

Tarah accepted the cup of tea as she sat on the chair. 

"How are you feeling?" Cora asked her. 

"I'm fine," Tarah smiled. "Please join me, Cora. Also, you can address me as Tarah."

Cora's smile widened as she sat in front of her. "I insist on addressing you as Milady then," she hummed. "Also, is it true that you may be the successor to our former Seer?"

Tarah responded by asking back, "Who said that?"

"Well, Prince Ezekiel made it clear to everyone that you're not just a healer, but also someone who can see the future," Cora explained.

"He said that you might be Seer Beirut's successor, so we should look after you and report to him everything that might happen, especially if we notice something suspicious. Although I'm confused why he still wants us to report something suspicious if you're truly our fated Seer."

Tarah smiled despite what she just heard. Cora was a very genuine and vocal person in the visions she saw of her, and she liked how she wasn't afraid to express her thoughts.

"We all must not put our guard down especially during times like this," Tarah remarked. "Helion's king is a very cunning man, and Prince Ezekiel is aware of that. He's very cautious in ensuring the safety of his people and your kingdom."

"Right. He'll be ascending the throne and be our king soon once his Seer ascends with him," Cora excitedly said. "If that's you, then I guess his reign as our new king is nearing as well. I hope to see you ascend soon and become our fated Seer, Milady, especially through these turbulent times."

Tarah simply nodded. From what she recalled, the importance of a Seer in Ebodia was deeply ingrained in the kingdom's history and culture.

For generations, the fated Seer had been a symbol of hope, a guardian of the kingdom's prosperity and survival. The Seer's ability to foresee events through visions and dreams played a pivotal role in ensuring that Ebodia remained untouched by the chaos that befell other realms.

The Seer's warnings were heeded with the utmost seriousness, and the kingdom took proactive measures to prepare for the challenges that lay ahead. It was a delicate dance between fate and foresight as the Seer's visions guided Ebodia through the intricate web of political, social, and mystical challenges that threatened its existence.

The people of Ebodia held a deep reverence for their Seer, for they understood that their continued safety and prosperity were intricately tied to the Seer's abilities.

The Seer's presence became a beacon of stability, assuring the citizens that, despite the uncertainties of the future, their kingdom had a safeguard against impending doom.

Tarah offered Cora a reassuring smile, knowing to herself that she was indeed Ebodia's fated Seer. 

"Surely, you're not a spy of Helion, so it's unnecessary of our prince to ask us to report something suspicious regarding you. But then, his Highness is always like that. Being very meticulous and all," Cora nonchalantly commented.

She then looked around before adding, "Also, I strongly believe that letting you stay here with him is improper. Good thing he decided to let you move to a tent of your own tomorrow."

"I'll be moving?" Tara unknowingly voiced out. Just the thought of moving out of Ezekiel's tent made her sad somehow. 

Upon hearing Tarah's tone, Cora's lips stretched wide as she held a teasing grin. "Milady, a lot of women are dying to stay with His Highness like this. Even the Princess of Valcrez tried crawling inside his tent before," she cheerfully stated. "I guess you're no exception?"

Tarah blinked before quickly stating, "I'm a Seer! What are you thinking?"

"My apologies, Milady. I just couldn't help it. It's in my nature to tease others most of the time," Cora chuckled before her smile quickly faded.

"Most of our previous Seers from history are male and good-looking. It's just unfortunate that having a great ability such as being a seer comes with great disadvantages, such as keeping oneself chaste so as to not lose their ability to see the future."

Tarah gulped. It was true. She was aware that she would lose her ability to see the future once she lost her virginity. That message from the Seraphim in her dream three years ago when she turned eighteen was very clear.

What an irony when most of the visions and dreams she saw all those years were about one man… Ezekiel, the future Dragon King who was destined to rule the world.