Bloodline of Dragonriders

Tarah gasped when Ezekiel suddenly hovered over her. He then pinned her down on the ground with a grunt. Looking into his eyes, however, she saw that they were still sporting their normal hues.

"Your Highness," she called to him. 

It was right then that his eyes started flickering from their normal hues to a flaming red shade. Even further, he was clearly in pain with how much he was gnashing his teeth.

"I… I can't," Ezekiel whispered as his face slowly leaned down towards her. He was cursing to himself, and Tarah could only guess that he was currently suffering against Vulcan. "The scent is too strong…" 

He weakly whispered against her cheek, close enough that Tarah could feel his warm breath against hers. She gulped when she felt his lips and nose brushing against her neck.

"What's going on?" Tarah weakly muttered. 

"Stay still," Ezekiel whimpered as he begged.