Too Weak Against You

Tarah let out a heavy sigh as she quietly planned her next move. Time was crucial for her right now, so she needed to get to Zion this instant and get things moving. 

Thankfully, Ezekiel had made things comfortable for her by gathering some twigs and using some magic to make it into a comfortable flat makeshift bed that she could sleep on a while ago. He also gave her his cloak to use to cover herself more from the cold. 

Thinking about it now, her face blushed hard when she remembered that she had brought Seer Beirut's magical cloak with her so that she could use it to give herself warmth. But despite having it, she didn't refuse the prince's offer when he gave her his cloak and used it instead. 

'I must be crazy,' she scolded herself as her grip on the cloak tightened.