A Pathetic Man

Meanwhile, back in the inhospitable forest they entered, Ezekiel's body was still unconscious from where Tarah left him. Inside his body, however, his soul was already fully active in fighting against Vulcan. 

Like Tarah said, the dragon was trying hard to expel the prince's spirit from his body. He didn't know how the dragon was doing it, but he found himself in excruciating pain throughout the whole process.

[You won't hold on for long!] Vulcan roared inside his head with its menacing and annoying laughter. 

Ezekiel whimpered as the pain inside his body grew stronger. He didn't know if he would last much longer.

"Your Highness… Your Highness…. Open your eyes… Please… It's me, Tarah…."

That familiar soft and soothing voice... With her call, Ezekiel slowly opened his eyes, and he immediately saw Tarah hovering over him with her sweetest smile.

"Tarah," he lovingly whispered.