His Forbidden Desire

Tarah gently touched her forehead as she slowly opened her eyes. Looking around, she let out a relieved sigh once she saw that she was back in the same forest. She was thankful that Devon transported her back here as she requested before she passed out on him. Still, that was only half of what had to be done.

"Your Highness?" she immediately called out as soon as she got up. The horse was still where she left it, but Ezekiel was nowhere to be found. "Where is he?"

"Ugh…" she whimpered with a frown. 

The pain in her head due to all of the information she absorbed from the magical scrolls was still taking its toll on her. It was filled with energy stored by the last of their bloodline before Vulcan's massacre of all the Dragonriders, and she could still feel that energy flowing within her body as it slowly activated the dragonrider blood in her. Resting her back on the trunk of the tree, she closed her eyes and let out another sigh.