
Thanks to his alertness, Ezekiel immediately caught Tarah's falling body from the sky before quickly flying back to the cave they had been in before. Touching down softly, he gently put her on the ground before inwardly cursing at himself for being unable to shift back into his human form to at least make things comfortable for her.

Working with what he had, he did his best to assess her body, and he sighed in relief upon confirming that she was mostly fine. 

'She's probably just too exhausted,' Ezekiel thought to himself as he sat in his dragon form near her. Tarah was still human, after all, so it was natural for her to easily get exhausted. She was also sleep-deprived lately due to constantly staying by his side, so it was no wonder then that this happened.

'She should be waking up soon though,' he told himself as he stared at her sleeping form.

Soon enough, she stirred, and this made him move as he extended his head down to the ground near her.