In control

Moments slipped away, and Tarah devoted herself to keeping Ezekiel company while they awaited Queen Dana's return, ensuring his comfort and attending to his needs in the meantime.

"Just a little longer," she murmured softly to him, her voice a reassuring whisper, as she gently wiped away a smudge of dirt from his still form. "We'll have you out of harm's way soon enough."

Eventually, Queen Dana, accompanied by wizard Lurio, reentered Ezekiel's tent to commence the extraction of Vulcan's soul. With solemn determination, they began the preparations for the ritual. Tarah, as Vulcan's dragonrider, stood still understanding her important role as the only one capable of controlling the dragon's soul should they encounter any mishaps.

"Are you ready, Tarah?" the Queen asked her once the preparations were in place. 

"I'm ready…"