Morbid Joke

Tarah requested for a horse, prompting Ezekiel to signal Elijah to prepare one for her. Once it arrived, the prince then reluctantly glanced at Tarah as he helped her mount her horse.

"I'll be heading out now," she announced with a smile once she was settled on her horse.

"I hope you have a great time with your friend, and..." Ezekiel trailed off, hesitation lingering in his voice.


"Don't be out too late," he finished, having found his words after the awkward silence. "Come back directly to Cordon Castle, and don't make me worried by doing something dangerous." 

"Of course."

With that, Tarah nodded and quickly guided her horse away. Meanwhile, Ezekiel was left on his lonesome, watching as she disappeared into the streets.

"Your Highness, are you really letting her go on her own without any guards for her safety?" Cora spoke beside him.

"I can follow her if you wish," Elijah offered.