All Worth It

"Just a bit more… Just a bit more…"

Tarah repeatedly chanted the same few words to herself as she did her best to compose herself. Despite telling herself that she was ready, there was truly no way for her to get used to Devon's constant harassment. It was still the usual fare of him doing everything he could barring just taking her purity, but every session she spent with him never truly allowed her to adapt. 

Every minute she had to spend being with the demon king was torture. She could only hope that things would finally get better just so she could finally stop seeing the man.

Thankfully, it was all worth it, in her opinion. Sacrificing herself to keep her brother away from the demon's wrath was more than enough to make her actions have meaning. And even now as she made her way to Levi, she couldn't help but smile at the prospect of seeing Levi alive and well.