Making A Decision

Mineah hurried forward, leading the way to Xenia, their sister. Ezekiel followed closely, his family's excitement evident. They were all thrilled by Xenia's success.

"Big Sister! Congratulations!" Mineah exclaimed, tears brimming in her eyes as she hugged Xenia. "We knew you'd do it!"

"Of course, I would. I'm strong, remember?" Xenia replied with a confident smile.

"You are indeed, dear sister," Ezekiel chimed in proudly, his smile matching hers.

"You're back! You're alive!" Xenia cried, her voice trembling as she finally noticed his presence. "Big Brother!" 

Xenia couldn't contain her emotions as tears ran down her cheeks. Without hesitation, she hugged him, and Ezekiel gently patted her back as he squeezed her tightly.

"It wasn't easy bringing him back," Mineah joked with a grin. "Mother and I had to think hard to find a way to make it possible."