Her Emotions

Tarah wore a timid smile as she entered the royal family dinner area at Rose Palace, with Cora trailing behind her. Inside, she noticed Ezekiel already seated with his parents. Princess Ezme and Commander Atlas were present as well, along with another man Tarah had seen in her vision regarding Cora.

"That's the Duke of the South, Duke Apollo. Prince Ezekiel's cousin," Cora whispered behind her. Tarah wanted to tease Cora but refrained, respecting her friend's desire to keep her visions private.

Purposely, Tarah held Cora's hand, anticipating that Cora would excuse herself once they approached the table.

"Milady?" Cora inquired with a frown.

Tarah winked at her and simply said, "You're already my sister, right? Eat with me."

"Oh, finally! I'll be able to meet our kingdom's new fated Seer," Apollo remarked eagerly, even pulling out a chair for her.